2010 Grants
Faculty Research and Programs Funded
August 17, 2010

Maria Linder, right, recently received a $32,360 North Orange County Community College grant for “Cypress College College Cost, Reduction and Access Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.”

Cal State Fullerton has instituted WECARE Transit, a senior transportation services project, thanks to a grant from the Orange County Transportation Authority.

Information systems and decision sciences faculty members Ofir Turel, Bhushan Kapoor and Pawel Kalczynski recently returned from Vietnam where they trained their Asian counterparts in e-commerce curriculum as part of a contract with Foreign Trade University.

Gerard Beenen, Shaun Pichler and Lori Muse are studying the nature of interpersonal skills and their importance in business under a $100,000 Graduate Management Admission Council grant.

Debra Rose recently received grants from the California Department of Public Health to analyze fall prevention programs for older adults and from St. Barnabas Senior Services to evaluate the cross-cultural efficacy and adaptability of the InStep Program.

A Cal State Fullerton learns to use medical equipment as part of the university's Nursing Program. Photo by Karen Tapia
The following is a list of some of the grants and contracts awarded on campus this year:
Maria Linder, Chemistry and Biochemistry: $32,360 North Orange County Community College grant for “Cypress College College Cost, Reduction and Access Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.”
Chandra Srinivasan, Chemistry and Biochemistry: $218,953 National Institutes of Health grant for “Manganese Metabolism in C. elegans.”
Jeannie Kim Han, Center for Internships and Community Engagement: $441,119 Orange County Transportation Authority grants for “WECARE Transit.”
Murtadha Khakoo, Physics: $109,803 Jet Propulsion Laboratory grant for “Physics and Chemistry of Hydrothermal Vents.”
Bhushan Kapoor and Ofir Turel, Information Systems and Decision Sciences; $55,000 contract from Foreign Trade University in Vietnam for “Curriculum-Designing Teaching and Assessment Methodology for Bachelor Programs.”
Jeannie Kim-Han and Dawn Macy, Center for Internships and Community Engagement: $30,800 award from Project Access for “CEA Tutoring Program 2010” and $6,000 from the Trustees of the California State University for “Student Leadership in Community Engagement.”
Laura Gil-Trejo, Social Science Research Center: $241,907 UCLA contract for “2010 Youth Survey”; $40,852 Los Angeles County contract for “Nicotine Replacement Therapy Project”; $20,000 contract from Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District for “Evaluation — Teaching American History Grant”; $16,084 Family Forward contract for “Families Forward Program Evaluation”; $9,869 Santa Ana Unified School District contract for “2009-10 Career-Technical Education Student Placement Survey”; $6,017 Fullerton Chamber of Commerce for “NOCEDP Stakeholder Study 2010-Phase 1.”
Shaun Pichler, Lori Muse and Gerard Beenen, all Management: $100,000 Graduate Management Admission Council grant for “The Antecedents and Outcomes of Managerial Interpersonal Skills: Developing and Validation.”
Hansung Kim, Social Work: $12,000 John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation grant for “Running Away From Out-of-Home Care: The Role of Case and Community Levels in California.”
Kiran George, Computer Engineering, and Susamma Barua, Computer Science: $597,999 National Science Foundation grant for “ECS Academic Catalyst for Excellence Scholarship Program.” Term of grant is five years.
Debra J. Rose, Kinesiology: $15,000 St. Barnabas Senior Services contract for “Evaluation of the Cross-Cultural Efficacy and Adaptability of the InStep Program.”
Christopher Meyer, Chemistry and Biochemistry: $2,700 National Science Foundation-Asilomar Photosynthesis Ideas Conference grant.
Sharon Seidman, Child and Adolescent Studies: $68,000 Santa Ana Unified School District for "Courses/Professional Development for Head Start."
Michelle Berelowitz, Center for Community Collaboration: $52,476.35 Orangewood Children's Foundation for "The 16th Annual Report on the Conditions of Children in Orange County, 2010." Click here to read about the 2009 report.
Debra J. Rose, Kinesiology: $20,000 California Department of Public Health for "Analysis of Evidence-based Fall Prevention Programs for Older Adults."
B.J. Snell, Nursing: $96,480 California Department of Public Health for "Advanced Nursing Practice Midwifery."
Russ Espinoza, Psychology: $6,300 American Psychological Association for "An Examination of Latino Student Usage of Counseling and Health Services at Cal State Fullerton."
Pamella Oliver, Child and Adolescent Studies: $24,845 USC for "Adolescents' Exposure to Family and Community Violence." Total awardover four year life of grant: $93,367.
Barry A. Spiering, Kinesiology: $6,443 National Space Biomedical Research Institute for "An Integrated Musculoskeletal Countermeasure Battery for Long-Duration Lunar Missions."
Cindy Smith Greenberg, Nursing: $33,746 Auxiliary and Research Services Corp.—San Marcos for "Simulation Center Regional Collaboration."
Georgia Spiropoulos and Christine Gardiner, Political Science: $18,634 County of Orange Community Services for "A Blueprint for the Successful Re-Entry of Youthful Offenders in Orange County."
Russ Espinoza, Psychology: $6,300 American Psychological Association for "Latino Student Usage of Counseling and Health Services at Cal State Fullerton."
Christine Latham, Nursing: $610,948 Department of Health and Human Services Health Resources and Services Administration for "Nursing Workforce Diversity/Workforce Improvement Project."
Peter de Lijser, Chemistry and Biochemistry: $39,500 National Science Foundation award for “RUI: Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies of Reactive Intermediates.” Total two-year grant award is $219,000.
James Feagin, Physics: $96,000 Department of Energy, sixth of an eight-year grant for “Reaction Imaging and the Continuum Coulomb Spectrum.” Total award to date is $716,001.
Darren Sandquist, Biological Science: $23,000 U.S. Department of Interior/U.S. Geological Survey, second of five-year grant ending August 2014, “Responses to Environmental Change in Mojave Desert Ecosystems.”
Joshua Smith, Physics: $240,000 National Science Foundation “RUI: LIGO Detector Characterization and Optimal Scatter Research.”
Jochen Schenk, Biological Science: $147,326 National Science Foundation “EAGAR: Mechanism for Elem Embolism Repair Under Tension.” Total award of two-year grant — $311,994.