How Is The Money Being Spent?
In addition to responding to calls for service, crime prevention, patrol and investigations, University Police is responsible for emergency management, the university motor pool, issuing keys and answering more than 300 intrusion alarms on campus. Twenty-two sworn officers patrol the main camus and the Irvine campus. Other staff include five dispatchers, three administrative support personnel and 25 part-time community service officers who lock and unlock buildings, escort faculty, staff and visitors to their vehicles in the evenings and provide security in the bookstore and library
Source: Chief Judi King, University Police
ELECTRICITY – $6.6 MILLION, GAS – $260,237, WATER & SEWER – $524,325, HAZARDOUS WASTE REMOVAL – $668,995
In order to function, the university requires power, water and sewer services.
Source: Karen Wall, Budget Services