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Coming to college in California was a top priority. I wanted to experience the weather and all the different things there are to do here. Cal State Fullerton is in the middle of it all.

What did you expect from your college experience?
My goal was to earn a business degree, and Cal State Fullerton has a very good business program.

What did you actually experience?
The American Language Program offered me adventures I hadn’t expected. We had conversation partners, and did all kinds of things: movies, bowling, amusement park trips, badminton games, pizza parties.

How have you been changed by your experience?
Because I was a student here, I was able to find work on campus following graduation. I am able now to apply what I learned in school.

Sharon Ting ’04 (B.A. business administration-accounting) is an
accountant in University Extended Education. Ting, an international student from Taiwan, came to Cal State Fullerton in 2000 and first attended the American Language Program to ease her transition to college life.

Sharon Ting
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