Why I Teach
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Letters From Teachers:

Ed Sibby :

Passionate professors lead through their commitment

Having completed my 20th year in the classroom this spring, I've reflected on what has kept me in the teaching profession. During my time as a student at Fullerton, I had the great fortune of having many passionate professors who enjoyed imparting their knowledge as much as I enjoyed learning from them. It's that love of the discipline that I took from the university more than anything else, and it has served me well. Along the way I have drawn from the knowledge I gained from these individuals, and have followed their example of commitment to my charges. It's their eagerness that keeps me teaching history at the high school level. The joy that comes from the synergy of the student/teacher relationship has kept me connected to the art of teaching, and probably always will.

Ed Sibby,
B.A. History, '84
Temecula, CA


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