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Letters From Teachers:

Ray Moore :

Passing on a positive impact

I am currently in year 32 of my career in education and enjoying it tremendously! As an undergraduate student at Cal State Fullerton, Dr. Paul Pastor was the faculty member who helped me make the decision to become an educator. Dr. Pastor had a passion for his job and the students in his classes. He was the type of teacher that made you "want" to go to his classes. He was one of those special people that you are lucky to meet in your lifetime. He taught us all to do everything with enthusiasm. I am sure that many of Dr. Pastor's former students feel that way about him and his impact on us all as our teacher.

I was also fortunate to have Dr. Carol Weinman as my supervising teacher during my stint as a student teacher. Her professional insight and concern for my development as an educator made a very positive impact on my career. Dr. Weinman is an excellent teacher as well as being a first-class person. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to work with her.

Teaching and coaching has been my passion for 32 years with many more to follow (I hope)! My mission is to have a positive impact on the young people that I work with daily. In addition to the instructors already mentioned, my high school teachers and coaches did so much for me, I feel that I can attempt to repay them by helping young people develop into successful adults.

My best wishes to the future Titans who become educators.

Ray Moore
Murrieta, CA


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