Grants Roundup
Faculty Receive External Funding for Research Endeavors
External funding is supporting a wide range of research endeavors at Cal State Fullerton — from program development, analyses and forecasts to research in atmospherics and neurological disorders.
The following is a listing of grants and contracts awarded to faculty and staff members during the first half of 2011.
Caption: David Cherin recently received two grants from the Regents of the University of California, Berkeley.
David Cherin, Social Work: a total of $1,319,242 from the Regents of the University of California, Berkeley, for the California Social Work Education Center. Cherin also was awarded $80,469 from the Regents of the University of California, Berkeley, for “California Department of Mental Health.” Related story: Fledgling Social Work Program Earns National Accreditation
Silas H. Abrego and Mark Kamimura-Jimenez, Student Affairs; and David Pagni, Mathematics: $1,315,735 in third-year funding from the U.S. Department of Education for “GEAR UP.” Total funding to date $3,947,205. Abrego, Kamimura-Jimenez and Hortencia Cuevas, Student Affairs, also received $345,000 in third-year U.S. Department of Education funding for the Upward Bound program. Total federal funding to date is $1,035,000. Related story: Federal Funding Supports Effort to Prepare Students for Higher Education
Silas H. Abrego and Gerald Bryant, Student Affairs, $225,000 in third-year U.S. Department of Education funding for the McNair Scholars program. Total project funding to date is $675,000.
Debra J. Rose, Kinesiology: $216,667 from the Archstone Foundation in support of the Fall Prevention Center of Excellence. Related Story: Enhancing Mobility and Balance in Older Americans
Angela Della Volpe, College of Humanities and Social Sciences: $350,000 U.S. Department of Education grant for "Vietnamese Degree Development." Della Volpe and Sayed Ali Miremadi, Modern Languages and Literatures, also received a $145,000 from the CSU Long Beach Foundation/U.S. Department of Defense for “California State University System Strategic Language Initiative.
James M. Feagin, Physics: $96,000 U.S. Department of Energy Funding for “Reaction Imaging and the Continuum Coulomb Sprectrum.” This is the eighth year of funding; total funds to date is $716,001.
Murthdha A. Khakoo, Physics: $68,249 in third-year funding from Jet Propulsion Laboratory/NASA for “Electron Impact Cross Section of Atmospheric Species.” Total award is $453,220. Khakoo also was awarded a $32,470 Jet Propulsion Laboratory contract for “Physics and Chemistry of Hydrothermal Vents.” Total award for the yearlong project was $147,078.
David Pagni and Margaret Kidd, both Mathematics: $22,650 funding from University of California Office of the President for “Orange County Math Program @Fullerton 2010-11.” Cal State Fullerton is one of 19 sites throughout the state that help schools with low California Standards Test scores; during the summer, the OCMP offers a weeklong workshop of instructional aid for teachers in low-performing elementary schools.
Darren R. Sandquist, Biological Science: $38,000 from the consulting engineering firm PSOMAS for “Implementation of the Woolly Star Work Plan 2011-2015.” Related Story: Scientists Study Endangered Woolly Star Near the Santa Ana River
Caption: Darren Sandquist was awarded a contract to continue his work with the Woolly Star.
Sharon B. Seidman, Child and Adolescent Studies: $12,492 from Human Services Association for the agency's “Pasitos Infant Toddler Class.”
Joe Garcia, Human Services: $3,000 Echo Parenting & Education contact for “Best Start Collaborative Partners Grant: Evaluation Component.”
Bruce Xiao, Finance: $42,500 from Jiangxin University of Finance and Economics, for the “Visiting Scholars Program - JUFE 2011.” Related Story: Chinese Professors Attend Special Program on Campus
Barbara L. Gonzalez, Chemistry and Biochemistry: $20,000 from the University of Las Vegas/National Science Foundation for “Collaborative Research: ACELL.”
Math P. Cuajungco, Biological Science: $338,855 from the National Institutes of Health - National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke for “Analysis of the Transcriptional Regulation and Expression of TRPML2.” The grant is the first in a three-year award.
Shari McMahan, Human Development and Community Service: $39,837 from San Diego State University Research Foundation for “California-Nevada Public Health Training Center.”
Brenda Bowser, Anthropology: $14,999 National Science Foundation grant for “RAPID: Zaparo RAPID Documentation Project."
Julie Bussell, College of the Arts, and Brook Fessler, University Advancement: $12,500 from the National Endowment of the Arts for “Dale Warland Artist-in-Residency.”
Claire Palmerino and Connie DeCapite, College of Humanities and Social Sciences: $52,778 from the University of California Office of the President for "No Child Left Behind 7 F.I.R.S.T."
Anil Puri, Mihaylo College of Business and Economics: $20,000 Orange County Transportation Authority contract for “Taxable Sales/Economic Forecast.”
Adrian Fleissig, Economics: $24,500 County of Riverside contract for “County of Riverside Forecast and Economic Outlook.” This is the third year of the contract; total funding to date is $73,500.
Mary Becerra, Student Health and Counseling: $5,000 from the University of California, Irvine/State of California Office of traffic and Safety for “Radd/UCI Designated Driver Coalition Project.”
Ray Young, Geography: $8,727 City of Fullerton contract for “West Fullerton Neighborhood Analysis.”
Patrick M. Kimani, Mathematics: $13,542 from Centralia School District for “CLIME - Collaboration for Leadership and Improving Math Education.”
Caption: Kiran George recently received funding from the National Science Foundation.
Kiran George, Engineering and Computer Science: $6,000 in additional funds from the National Science Foundation in support of “BRIGE: Implementation of a Multi-Signal Real-Time Digital Receiver with High Resolution Spectral Estimation Capability on a Hybrid High Performance Computing Platform.” Total award to date is $180,745.
Barry A. Spiering, Kinesiology: $1,330 (total two-year award is $11,693) from the National Space Biomedical Research Institute for “An Integrated Musculoskeletal Countermeasure Battery for Long-Duration Lunar Missions.”
Valerie O'Regan, Political Science: $56,386 from Cal State San Bernardino for “CSU LAM Intelligence Community of Academic Excellence FY 10/11.” Related story: University Joins CSU Consortium, Preparing Students for Intelligence Job Competition
Silas H. Abrego and Jeremiah Moore, Student Affairs: $301,692 in first-year funding from U.S. Department of Education for Student Support Services.
Robert Voeks, Geography: $57,400 National Institute of Health National Library of Medicine grant for “Roots of Rainforest Medicine.”
Belinda Dunnick Karge and Melinda Pierson, both Special Education: $47,676 from Brea Olinda Unified School District for “SpEd Intern Leadership Stimulus.” The duo also received additional funding from the school district: Pierson received $343,850 for the CSU Fullerton Special Education Intern Program. Karge also received $68,777 for a Special Education Leadership Project and $340,300 in fifth-year U.S. Department of Education funding for “On Track: Transition to Teaching Program.” Total award for On Track is $1,679,668.
Caption: Melinda Pierson and Belinda Karge were recently awarded funding from the Brea Olinda Unified School District.
Janice Myck-Wayne, Special Education: $199,422 in second-year U.S. Department of Education funding for “Inclusion: Developmentally Responsive to Educational Experiences that are Accessible and Meaningful. The four-year grant award is anticipated to total $745,867. Related story: U.S. Department of Education Grant Supports Future Preschool Teachers
Ruth Yopp-Edwards, Elementary and Bilingual Education: $61,829 from Fullerton School District for the “Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment 2010/11.”
Dawn Person, Educational Leadership: $20,000 from Cerritos College for the “Cerritos College iFALCON Title V Program.”
Victoria B. Costa, Science Education: $300,000 from the U.S. Department of Education for “Catalyst,” Center for Advancement of Teaching and Learning Math and Science. Costa also received $60,000 in third-year funding from Anaheim School District for “Collaborating for Excellences in Middle School Science.” Total award $138,092.
Ed Mohr, Career Center: $322,608 State of California, Department of Rehabilitation three-year grant for “Workability IV – 2010/11” project.
Jeannie Kim-Han and Dawn Macy, Center for Internships and Community Engagement: $416,333 from Buena Park School District for the Buena Park After Education & School Safety Program; $24,999 from San Francisco State University/Corporation for National & Community Service for California Recovery and Renewal Initiative; $78,541 Jumpstart for Young Children, Inc. for Jumpstart 2010-11; and $28,600 from Project Access for CEA Tutoring Program 2011. In addition, Kim-Han was awarded a $3,999 Trustees of the California State University grant for “(STEM)2 Laying the Foundation.”
Betsy Gibbs, Children’s Center: $248,117 in second-year U.S. Department of Education funding for the CSUF Student Parent Child Care Support project. Total award of $496, 234.
Caption: Angel Pineda was awarded a grant from Brigham Young University.
Laura Gil-Trejo, Social Science Research Center: $22,700 for 2011 San Bernardino Point in Time of the Homeless from CLA and Associates. The Social Science Research Center also received a $19,535 contract from Palomar Community College District for “Palomar College 2011 Survey of Completers & Leaves.
Angel Pineda, Mathematics: $5,250 from Brigham Young University of “Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics.”
Teresa Crawford, Elementary and Bilingual Education, and Dawn Person, Educational Leadership: $127,000 from Fullerton School District for “Project CREATE! Children Reaching Excellence in the Arts and Academics Through Engagement.”
William Laton and John Foster, both Geological Sciences: $75,000 from the Mojave Water Agency for Water Resources Research.
Dmitry Khanin, Management, and Priscilla Lopez, Regional Lead Small Business Development Center: $2,183,770 U.S. Small Business Administration contract to continue to oversee the SBA’s regional small-business development network for Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino counties.
July 12, 2011