Reducing Emissions
Engineer Compiling Clearinghouse of Literature on the Reduction of Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas
February 17, 2009

Jeff Kuo
Students and faculty assembled for Jeff Kuo's presentation on "Technological Options for Reducing Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gas Emissions" got a cook's tour of his latest project. Funded by a $50,000 grant from the California Air Resources Board,the professor of civil and environmental engineering at Cal State Fullerton is compiling a centralized, data-base driven, comprehensive clearinghouse of available literature pertaining to the reduction of non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions.
Kuo told his audience at the Feb. 5 National Teach-In on Global Warming that the web site he is creating as part of the project will provide easy access to the only known compilation of non-CO2 greenhouse gas reduction methods. The database will enable faster, more effective research by industry, consumers and scientists and the ability to compare the impact of various key components by cost, duration of results, technology availability and ease of use. The database allows grouping of information type of gas, type of reduction, sources and technology needed, identification of emission source in California and evaluation of identified technological options for emission reductions from sectors that are relevant to California.
Until recently, climate mitigation efforts have focused chiefly upon CO2, especially with regard to energy-related sources. His work on the project to date has convinced Kuo that there is an abundance of cost-effective and readily-implementable technological options for emission-reductions of non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gasses from all sectors. Besides methane, non-CO2 greenhouse gases include hydroflourocarbons, chlorofluorocarbons, nitrous oxide and black carbon, some of which can trap more heat in the atmosphere than CO2 per unit mass.
(Download Kuo's PowerPoint presentation here)
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For questions about Kuo’s presentation, contact the professor at