Sabbaticals and Leaves
Wide Variety of Activities Planned by Faculty Members
June 29, 2010
Sabbatical leaves for projects ranging from authoring books and creating exhibits of artwork to research and international travel have been granted for the 2010-11 academic year. President Milton A. Gordon granted 42 leaves, including four for a one-year term. The following is a list of those awarded sabbatical leave, according to Faculty Affairs and Records.
Amy B. Coplan, Philosophy, proposes to use her leave to write a book proposal and three chapters of a book on the nature of emotion, nature of emotional engagement with film and the philosophical importance of both.
Dana Loewy, Business Writing, intends on translating two Czech books into English. One is her late father’s autobiography, the other a short-story collection by satirist Pavel Verner.
Rosario Ordonez-Jasis, Reading, will develop a book utilizing a five-year longitudinal study conducted with Latino bilingual/bicultural early childhood educators who participated in a voluntary, alternative teacher professional development program. The development program focused on early bilingual and biliteracy instruction.
Danielle C. Zacherl, Biological Science, plans to organize a collaborative effort that includes undergraduate and graduate students, university scientists, private citizens and local community nonprofit groups in an Olympia oyster pilot restoration effort in Newport Bay.
Gordon M. Bakken, History, will be working on a book assessing the success of conservation, wildlife management, taxation and small business administration in the American West.
Andy R. Bazar, Mechanical Engineering, will be developing coursework and teaching materials for course in nuclear engineering. He also intends on writing a paper on the status and future of U.S. nuclear energy, visiting three power plants and academic programs in nuclear engineering and conducting research in the field.
Robert F. Castro, Chicana and Chicano Studies, will be working on a book about how conventional legal paradigms sometimes collide with the mixed blood status of non-white populations, specifically in 19th-century New Mexico.
Eduardo Delgado, Music, will be concentrating on Frederic Chopin and Robert Schumann, developing master classes on Chopin Etudes to be held on campus, Argentina and Japan; recording the Schumann Piano Concerto with the CSUF Orchestra, developing lectures and recitals with recordings of music by Isaac Albeniz and Enrique Granados.
John T. Drew, Art, intends to develop a resource for graphic designers practicing in or pursuing a career in print- and web-based environmental graphics and/or interactive design.
Reyes Fidelgo, Modern Languages and Literature-Spanish, hopes to complete a monograph on Spanish/English bilingualism and language contact.
Edward J. Fink, Radio-TV-Film, will revise and update “Portable Video Textbook” with co-author Norman Medoff of Northern Arizona University.
Juan C. Gallego, Modern Languages and Literature, plans on conducting a sociolinguistic study of perception of accent in Spain. He will be using a questionnaire and selective interviews of both younger and older speakers for generational changes in perceptions.
Charles E. Grieb, Art, plans to create a 2D animated short film made exclusively through digital processes of art generation while employing traditional animation creation methodology.
Mortaza Jamshidian, Mathematics, proposes to develop theory and software for analysis and modeling of incomplete data with focus on the missing data mechanism and data not missing at random.
Murtadha A. Khakoo, Physics, will continue National Science Foundation and Jet Propulsion Laboratory funded projects on basic low energy electron scattering from fundamental atoms, diatomic and polyatomic molecules. The study will involve Cal State Fullerton undergraduates as part of a collaboration with JPL, California Institute of Technology, several Brazilian universities and Australian National University.
Jarret S. Lovell, Criminal Justice, will study gay rights in post-apartheid South Africa.
Alana Northrop, Political Science, has plans to collect and analyze data from 40 U.S. city websites as a means of studying the Internet and politics. She will spend three weeks as a guest at the Internet Institute at Oxford University, will consult on a four-volume book of readings on the subject and use some of the university’s collection on e-government.
Christine Scher, Psychology, will engage in two research projects: an examination of interpersonal predictors of psychotherapy treatment outcomes for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder; and an examination of the impact of assessment strategy on findings of information processing studies in psychopathology.
David S. Shepard, Counseling, will be completing a book “Working Successfully With Men in Couples Counseling: A Gender-Sensitive Approach” and develop a proposal to establish a Center for Research on Men to be housed in the College of Health and Human Development.
Yosef Sherif, Information Systems and Decision Sciences, will focus on the development of new algorithms that will guarantee the security and safety of e-business transactions and sustain both under the threats and actuality of attacks, intrusions and tampering.
Kenneth L. Stichter, Educational Leadership, will be working on a textbook to guide prospective school administrators in building effective management decision–making skills rooted in reflective thinking and efficacious strategies.
Sora Tanjasiri, Health Science, hopes to increase the amount of external support to Cal State Fullerton for collaborative, multidisciplinary health promotion research through reflection on the successes and challenges of her past research, interviewing community and university research colleagues and exploring existing models of larger collaborative research initiatives at other California State University and University of California campuses.
Marcelo E. Tolmasky, Biological Science, continues his research into drug-resistant bacterial infections by developing strategies aimed at preserving the effectiveness of currently available amino glycoside antibiotics.
Christine Valenciana, Elementary and Bilingual Education, hopes to extend and refine ongoing research/writing on the unconstitutional deportation of Mexican American children, specifically the experiences of U.S. Mexican children who survived such deportation in the 1930s.
Keith H. Wanser, Physics, will submit for publication “Basic Research in Condensed Matter and Optical Physics.”
Feng Xiao, Economics, will investigate what drives consumer spending in China with focus on the wealth effects of stock and housing markets.
Emily B. Bonney, Liberal Studies, will investigate pottery, environment and associated settlements of six early Bronze Age tombs in south-central Crete to find evidence that early Cretan society was not fundamentally hierarchical.
Amybeth Cohen, Biological Science, will be working to isolate and characterize a reputed red light photoreceptor in the single-celled green alga Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii.
Robert W. Davis, Radio-TV-Film, intends on developing a manuscript titled “Production Analysis: Film Theory and Visual Design,” focusing on a variety of visual components and how they are used in selected films.
Janet L. Eyring, Modern Languages and Literatures, will be investigating the feasibility of offering an adult designated subjects credential in English as a Second Language; draft an application to offer such a credential on campus; and to create a new course on the subject to be offered as part of the master’s degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and TESOL Certificate programs.
Natalie M. Fousekis, History, will explore the role of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station in the transformation of Orange County after World War II, including incorporating the oral histories of those who lived near or were stationed at the base.
Margaret D. Garber, Liberal Studies, will study the role of alchemy in the growth, legitimation and medical practices of the first scientific society of physicians in the German territories.
Hassan Hamidi-Hashemi, Electrical Engineering, proposed to write two chapters on digital control, to finalize preliminary research in the modeling and stability of symmetrical spinning spacecraft and numerical methods for the guidance and control of air-to-air missiles. He also hopes to write laboratory experiments for use in the upper-division Electronics Laboratory class.
Mitchell D. Hanlon, Theatre and Dance, will be developing a textbook of his teaching methods explaining the mechanics of music, limitations of printed music and requirements of the actor for great performance.
Maria C. Linder, Chemistry and Biochemistry, will be working to obtain a National Institutes of Health grant in support of her research, as well as prepare manuscripts and publish results.
Robert W. Mead, Economics, plans on using Chinese agricultural cost of production data to develop a dataset that can be used to construct a time-series estimate of China’s farm labor force across agricultural activities. He also hopes to analyze the effects of market influences upon labor and material resource allocations across crops.
Franz Mueller, Anthropology, will research regional and situational variation in the Sudanese language of West Java, Indonesia. He will conduct field and archival research.
Joseph Nevadomsky, Anthropology, hopes to complete translation of an epic poem from Bini into English. The poem, “Oro: Bird of Prophecy,” consists of 271 stanzas divided into 11 sections, or 1084 lines. He also plans on writing extensive notes and an introduction on comparative mythology and epic poetry.
David G. Nevell, Theatre and Dance, will conduct dialect study and research toward publishing results in the International Dialects of English Archive and Voice and Speech Review.
Lynn M. Sargeant, History, will be investigating the Russian People’s House, an educational institution created in the late 19th century that developed a distinctive political role in that country.
Terri L. Snyder, American Studies, hopes to complete a book on suicide in American culture during the period of 1630 and 1830 within the contexts of English and European colonization, emergence of slave society and formation of the early United States.
Pamela L. Steinle, American Studies, hopes to develop a new upper-division course on alternative practices in American studies.