California State University, Fullerton

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Cal State Fullerton Courses that Include Sustainability

Anthropology :
301: Primate Behavior  
315: Culture and Nutrition 
504T Seminar: Selected Topics in Anthropology

323B: Graphic Design 
483E: Computer Assisted Graphics

Biological Science:
101: Elements of Biology
101L: Elements of Biology Laboratory
274: Principles of Physiology and Ecology
317: Field Marine Biology
319: Marine Biology
412: Principles of Gene Manipulation
443: Plant Ecology

100: Survey of Chemistry
301A: Organic Chemistry
301B: Organic Chemistry
313A: Environmental Pollution and Its Solutions: Air Pollution
313B:  Same as above : Water Pollution
313C:  Same as above: Land Pollution
436: Atmospheric Chemistry
437: Environmental Water Chemistry
438: Environmental Biochemistry

447: Tourism and Travel
515T: Professional Problems in Specialized Fields

333: Economic Development: Analysis and Case Studies
335: The International Economy
336:  Economies of the Middle East
461:  Benefit Cost and Microeconomic Policy Analysis
462:  Natural Resource Economics
516:  Economics and Benefit-Cost Analysis

Elementary and Bilingual Education:
533:  Graduate Studies in Elementary Education: Science

Engineering Mechanical:
331: Mechanical Behavior of Materials
414: Design Project I
419: Design Project II
421:  Mechanical Design
459:  Plastics and other Non Metallics
460:  Failure of Engineering Materials
461:  Fabrication Methods
480:  Human Factors in Engineering
512:  Advanced Mechanical Design and Management
530:  Advanced Strength of Materials

Environmental Studies:
520:  Environmental Research and Analysis

101: Physical Geology
310T: Topics in California-Related Geology

Liberal Studies:
310:  The California Experience
488:  Senior Seminar in Environmental Studies

440:    Emerging Issues in Management

361:     Population and the Environment
501T:  Seminar: Topics in Societal Structure and Process

Women’s Studies:
205: Gender and Globalization


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