Hands-On Experience
Communications Student Spends Summer Interning at NBC
July 29, 2008
By Pamela McLaren
Communications major Stephanie Caragan is getting an education this summer — as a T. Howard Foundation intern working at NBC in Hollywood.
Caragan, a junior, began a two-month internship June 9 in the network's digital media department.
"I first heard about the T. Howard Foundation by an email from the Career Center on campus," said Caragan, a resident of Long Beach. "I didn't see any harm in trying it out. So I sent in the required paperwork in December and heard back by February that I had been accepted into the Foundation."
The nonprofit foundation — dedicated to increasing diversity in the multimedia and entertainment industries — made the arrangements for Caragan's internships at NBC.com and held a program orientation for all 50 2008 foundation interns in Washington, D.C.
In addition to meeting with her fellow interns, Caragan met executives from Time Warner Cable, A&E, ESPN, NBC and other networks. "It was a great way to work on our elevator speeches and network with other interns, as well as leaders in the multimedia industry. The experience to be in Washington and see the monuments was amazing!"
Janette Cornish Serves Internship with Game Show Network
Janette Cornish is another communications major who received a T. Howard Foundation internship this summer. She found herself in the Creative Services Department of the Game Show Network helping in organizing for a rebrand of the cable company.
“I had various tasks that included organizing old brand materials, researching for the radio department, sitting in on design agency meetings and setting up a new company wide system known as Digital Asset Management,” said Cornish, who hopes to one day own her company that would conduct “international relations via entertainment — TV, fashion and music — mainly between the United States and Japan.”
Back in California, Caragan is writing copy for the community highlights, featured boards and groups for the network's social network, myNBC.com.
"I also have been working with the Biggest Loser League (a branch of the 'Biggest Loser' show) that focuses on the viewers and fans of the show at home and online. They'll be able to do challenges with friends, family or co-workers," said Caragan. "I've been able to see the full production of developing and launching a website here at NBC. It's been amazing."
Caragan, whose concentration is in advertising, notes that prior to her internship, she didn't have much of an interest in social networking, but that has all changed by being in the thick of it at NBC. Especially working on the same floor at the networks off-air advertising department. "I was able to grab a meeting with the program manager, who then showed me around and introduced me to the department."
By the time she graduates from Cal State Fullerton, Caragan hopes "to have a few more internships under my belt in order to work for an ad agency or back at NBC! I'm really looking into becoming a copywriter in the advertising field.
"Whether that takes me East to New York City or keeps me on the West Coast in L.A. or San Francisco, I'm all for it. I have big dreams to being successful in my future and I'm ready to work for it."