Global Gathering
International Students Feted at El Dorado Ranch
August 25, 2008
By Pamela McLaren

Marie Wickremasinghe of Sri Lanka shares a light moment with Harry Norman, dean of University Extended Education, during an Aug. 21 luncheon for the university’s international students sponsored by President Gordon at El Dorado Ranch. Photo by Kelly Lacefield
President Milton A. Gordon joined campus administrators, faculty and staff members and community members at an Aug. 21 luncheon honoring the university’s international and study abroad students. More than 400 attended the annual function that was hosted at the President’s residence, El Dorado Ranch.
During the festivities, President Gordon and Lay Tuan Tan, acting director of international education and exchange, stressed the importance of a global perspective and the value of having exchanges of students from around the world.
This fall, there are about 1,200 international students either pursuing a degree or participating in a semester or yearlong exchange program, according to Tan. Last year, more than 200 Cal State Fullerton students participated in study-abroad programs.
There also are programs that bring international scholars to campus for short periods, such as a group of visiting professors that arrived Sunday, Aug. 24, from the Tianjin University of Finance and Economics. The Chinese faculty members will be visiting campus for six months studying how to make class and oral presentations in English and attending courses in their respective business fields.