Focus on Scholarly and Creative Activities
Spring 2012 Faculty Reassigned Time Awards Announced
Seventy-one faculty members will be delving into a wide range of research and creative enterprises during the spring, thanks to Faculty Reassigned Time Awards for scholarly and creative activities announced by Academic Programs.
Recipients and the titles of their projects are:
Caption: Philip Armstrong will be conducting fission-track analysis during this semester's reassigned time.
Philip Armstrong, Geological Sciences, “Release Time for Fission-Track Analysis: Toward Understanding Rock Uplift Related to Plate Tectonics In Southern Alaska”
Katherine Bono, Child and Adolescent Studies, “An Examination of Daily Stressors, Cortisol and Parent-Child Relationship in Families With School-Aged Children”
Martin V. Bonsangue, Mathematics, “A Longitudinal Study of Supplemental Instruction in STEM Courses at CSUF”
Robert F. Castro, Criminal Justice, “Into the Alien West: Making ‘Hollow’ the Liberty Guarantees in Article IX of the Treaty of Gaudalupe Hidalgo (1848)”
Jennifer D. Chandler, Management, “Learning in Enterprise System Support: Specialization, Task Type and Network Characteristics”
Carolyn C. Chang, Finance, “Pricing and Hedging Catastrophe-Linked Securities — The Case of Earthquake and Hurricanes”
Diane Clemens-Knott, Geological Sciences, “Positioning for the Next Student-Faculty Research Grant: Two Manuscripts for Lithosphere”
Caption: Management facultymember Jennifer Chandler will be looking into learning in enterprise system support.
Kristine Dennehy, History, “Teaching World History: Beyond ‘the West and Rest’ ”
Andrew Dickson, Health Science, “Urban Sights/Sites”
Anthony DiStefano, Health Science, “Transforming A Backlog of Primary Public Health Data and Unfinished Manuscripts Into Submitted and Published Articles”
Matt Englar-Carlson, Counseling, “Counseling Men (Special Issue of the Journal of Counseling and Development, Book, Conference Submission)”
Janet L. Eyring, Modern Languages and Literatures, “Single-Subject Matter Preparation Program for California's New English Language Development (ELD) Credential”
Kenneth J. Faller, Computer Engineering, “Estimation of Anthropometric Measurements of the Human Pinnae Using Image Processing Techniques”
Peter J. Fashing, Anthropology, “Gelada Monkeys as Models for Reconsturcting the Lives of an Extinct Human Ancestor”
Rachel Fenning Baker, Child and Adolescent Studies, “Autism Risk and the Emergence of Social Cognition and Competence”
Nancy Fitch, History, “Entrepreneurial Nobles or Aristocratic 'Serfs'?: Reconsidering Seigneurialism in Old Regime France”
Adrian R. Flessig, Economics, “Estimating the Cost and Economic Impact of Rationing”
Jorge Fontdevila, Sociology, “Heteronormativity or Homoeroticism? Contexts of HIV Risk Among Latino Bisexual Men in Orange County”
Margaret D. Garber, Liberal Studies, “Chymia in the Journal of the Leopoldina Academy of Curiosi”
Caption: Diane Clemens-Knott of Geological Sciences will be conducting research under a reassigned time award.
Jasmeet K. Gill, Health Science, “Anthropometric and Lifestyle Risk Factors for Breast Cancer Among Asian Indian Women”
Jianxin Gong, Accounting, "An Agency Model to Explain “ ‘Say on Pay’ Shareholder Advisory Votes on Executive Compensation”
Erualdo R. Gonzalez, Chicano Studies, “Redevelopment”
Gamini Gunawardane, Management, “An Empirical Investigation of Competencies, Knowledge and Skills Needed by Entry Level Healthcare Operations Managers”
Kamal Hamidieh, Mathematics, “An Improved Ferro-Segers Estimator of the Extremal Index”
Katrin Harich, Marketing, “Teaching Students the Use of Social Media to Reach Marketing Objectives”
Nicholas S. Henning, Secondary Education, “Where I am With Those I Trust: The Importance of Context and Collaboration in the Transformational Resistance of New Teachers”
Michael H. Horn, Biological Science, “Evolution and Range Expansion of the Specialized Marine Forager: the Elegant Tern (Thalasseus elegans), an Abundant, Migratory Seabird in the Eastern Pacific Ocean”
James A. Hussar, Modern Languages and Literatures, “A Lie for a Lie: The Unreliable Narrator and MPLA Media Control in Ondjaki's Novels”
Zair Ibragimov, Mathematics, “Hyperbolic Geometry of P-adic Numbers”
Mohammed Ibrahim, Comparative Religion, “A Structural Analysis of Qur’an 56: Whose Assessment Is it Anyway?”
Caption: Mohammed Ibrahim will conduct a structural analysis of Qur’an 56.
Pablo Jasis, Elementary and Bilingual Education, “Family Engagement and School Improvement: A Struggle for Voice and Participation”
Julian Jefferies, Reading, “Undocumented Youth in Schools: Implications for Policy and Practice”
Jim Jenkins, Art, “Disney Imagineering ImagiNations Competition”
Jade M. Jewett, Art, “Artist Monograph ‘Odis Craig: Drawings’”
Steven Jobbitt, History, “Globalization and Its Discontents: Human Rights and the Politics of Resistance on the African Periphery, 1975-Present”
Pawel J. Kalczynski, Information Systems and Decision Sciences, “A Short-Term Price Forecast and Profitability of Fossil-Fuel Generators of Electricity”
David G. Kelman, English, Comparative Literature and Linguistics, “In the Wake of the Corpse: Unearthing Politics in Rodriguez Julia’s ‘Cortijo's Wake’”
Walied E. Keshk, Accounting, “Investor Directional Preferences and Reactions to Perceived Analyst Herding”
Kristin J. Kleinjans, Economics, “Explaining Gender Differences in Occupational Choice: Do Women Place Relatively Less Weight on Wages and More Weight on Social Prestige Than Men?”
Kevin Lambert, Liberal Studies, “Samuel Butler and Erewhon: Readers and Writers in the Mechanical Age”
Carrie Lane, American Studies, “Unemployed White-Collar Workers Envision the Free-Market Future”
Maria C. Linder, Chemistry and Biochemistry, “Manuscript and Grant Proposal on New Discoveries Relating to How Copper and Iron are Transported and Utilized by Cells and Organs of the Mammal”
Laura Lohman, Music, “Susanna Rowson’s Contributions to Early American Musical Life, 1793-1822”
Gail Love, Communications, “A Video Intervention to Destigmatize and Promote Student Utilization of Mental Health Services at CSUF”
Caption: Kristin Kleinjans of Economics will be studying gender differences in occupational choice.
Pamela A. Madsen, Music, “Luminosity: The Passion of Pierre and Marie Curie, a Multi-media Opera for Voices, Ensemble, Video and Electronics”
Stacy L. Mallicoat, Criminal Justice, “Assessing Perceptions of Stalking Behaviors in the University Environment”
Robert A. McLain, History, “Gandhi's War: The Limits of Nonviolence in Great War India”
Olga Mejia Yuan, Counseling, “Acculturation and Attachment: An Immigrant Perspective”
Sinjini Mitra, Information Systems and Decision Sciences, “Statistical Models for Biometric Authentication”
Alison Miyamoto, Biological Science, “Biochemical and Functional Analysis of the Ovarian Cancer Biomarker MAGP2”
Brian M. Norton, English, Comparative Literature and Linguistics, “Laurence Sterne Among the Essayists: What the Novel Learned From Literary Nonfiction and Vice Versa”
David M. Obstfeld, Management, “Brokerage, Social Networks and Knowledge-Based Innovation”
Rosario Ordonez-Jasis, Reading, “Making all Literacies Count: Mapping Community-Based Language and Literacy Resources”
Terri R. Patchen, “Elementary and Bilingual Education, Capitalizing on Participation: Latina/o Adolescents and the Classroom Economy”
Andrea Patterson, Liberal Studies, “The Persistence of the Genetic Theory of Race: A Historical Perspective”
Madeline E. Rasche, Chemistry and Biochemistry, “Limiting Biological Methane Production as a Potential Contribution to Obesity: Submission of two Grants Proposals, Manuscripts and a Conference Presentation”
Caption: H. Jochen Schenk
H. Jochen Schenk, Biological Science, National Science Foundation grant proposal on “The Role of Fructans in Plant Xylem Osmoregulation”
Mia Sevier, Human Services, “Couple Therapy Research Paper and Conference Presentation”
Jason M. Shepard, Communications, “The Emerging Uses of Ethical Principles in Journalist’s Privilege Law”
Terri L. Snyder, American Studies, “The Power to Die: Slavery and Suicide in North America, 1619-1830”
Jeanette Solano, Comparative Religion, “Hijabs, Hatred and Hope: Muslims in the Public Square in Orange County, CA”
Susan Sy, Psychology, “The Influence of Perceived Parental Expectations and Pressure on College Students’ Academic Success”
Fu-Ming Tao, Chemistry and Biochemistry, “Molecular Mechanisms of Atmospheric Reactions of NO2 And SO2 Sources of Nitrous Acid, Sulfuric Acid and Aerosols”
Stella W. Ting-Toomey, Human Communication Studies, “Intercultural Adjustment (ICA) and Friendship Dialectics in International Students”
Marcelo E. Tolmasky, Biological Science, “Plasmids: Their Role in Evolution and Dissemination of Genes Involved in Virulence and Resistance to Antibiotics”
J. Chris Westgate, English, Comparative Literature and Linguistics, “Inverted Voyeurism: Regarding the Middle Class in Rachel Crother’s ‘A Man’s World’ ”
Michele M. Wood, Health Science, “The Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill: Lessons in Community Resilience”
Jindong Wu, Geography, “Strengthening Remote Sensing Science Research and Education”
Feng Xiao, Economics, “Corruption and Growth: An Empirical Case Study of China”
Lei Xu, Geography, “Fertility Preferences of Ethnic Minority Young Adults in Southern California”
Danielle Zacherl, Biological Science, “Quantifying Dispersal Patterns of a Newly Exploited Fishery Species, Kelletia Kelletii, Using Larval Behavior and Chemical Tags”
Jan. 4, 2012