Lynn Daucher Speaks at OLLI Meeting


How legislators make decisions was the topic of a talk by Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher (R-Brea) who was the speaker at a recent meeting of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.
“We’re in a big state with lots of different views,” Daucher said, explaining that elected officials often must compromise and negotiate with each other on myriad issues. “No side gets 100 percent ever.”
Daucher also spoke about infrastructure bonds on November’s ballot and transportation, education, law enforcement, healthcare and water issues.
She said Californians should be concerned about the high school dropout rates of Latinos and other minorities in this state and ensuring that more students graduate from high school and have the opportunity to get a higher education.
“There is a vital need to address the problem on the big picture basis,” Daucher said. “We need to have more children graduate from high school, particularly minority children because they will be the work force and we can’t have them be uneducated.”