Gallery Director Provides Pleasures
in the Great and the Small
by Gail Matsunaga
from Dateline (February 13, 2003)
Veronica Chiang, director of exhibitions,
is nearly dwarfed by Ellen Jantzen’s organic paper sculpture
Spirit Silo, made of reformed grocery bags and palm flower stems.
The piece, along with additional works by Jantzen and other
artists, are currently on display in the Atrium Gallery as part
of the “Trans•Form: Paper Art & Paper Engineering”
exhibit. |
Among the many treasures and pleasures of
the Pollak Library is the Atrium Gallery. Here, visitors,
whether enroute to the library’s stacks for research or taking
a much-needed respite from a hectic day, have found themselves transported
and often transfixed by intricate paper sculptures, hatpins from
another era, miniature historic battle scenes, a sand sculpture
fashioned from a lightning bolt thousands of years ago and an exhibit
of three-dimensional art recognizing the artistic accomplishments
of the university community.
Putting these diverse exhibits together is Veronica
Chiang, director of exhibitions. With an artistic background that
includes an interdisciplinary degree combining art, filmmaking and
exhibit design, she has created a space and environment that has
attracted unique collections, international participation and promising
new artists to Cal State Fullerton – thus enhancing the university