Caption: Radha S. Bhattacharya, professor of economics, helps Ivan Soltero of Orangeview Junior High School at the U.S. Bank Economic Empowerment Program’s financial literacy camp on campus in June. The program recently received a $150,000 Department of Health and Human Services grant. Photo: Matt Gush Download Photo
Grants and Contracts Awarded
Funding Supports Campus Programs and Research Endeavors
July 3, 2012
Cal State Fullerton faculty and staff members have received funding from various local, state and federal sources in support of a wide range of research endeavors and programs. The following is a list of grants and contracts received from April through June 2012.
Dmitry Khanin, Management, and Priscilla Lopez, Small Business Development Center: $2,160,136 from the U.S. Small Business Administration for “2012 Orange County/Inland Empire Small Business Development Center.”
Caption: Daniel S. Choi
Amybeth Cohen, Biological Science: $463,330 National Institute of Health award for “MARC U*Star Program.” It is the 17th year of NIH funding for the program, which was created to encourage and support scholars interested in graduate research programs. Related article: Seeking Futures in Research
Marcelo Tolmasky, Biological Science: $241,560 National Institutes of Health funding to continue the Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training Program. The 15-year-old program supports student research overseas in an effort to increase the number of students entering research fields and increase awareness of minority and international health issues.
Radha Bhattacharya, Economics: $150,000 from the Department of Health and Human Services in support of the U.S. Bank Economic Empowerment Program. Related article: 2012 Summer Program
Murtadha A. Khakoo, Physics, and Charles Malone, Auxiliary Services: $102,480 in additional funding from Jet Propulsion Laboratory for “Electron Impact Cross Sections of Atmospheric Species.” Total funding to date: $555,700. Related story: Shedding Light on the Subject
Khakoo also received $4,999 from the National Science Foundation for “Electron Impact Ionization of Argon and Krypton and Excitation of Resonance Transitions in Neon, Xenon and Molecular Hydrogen.”
Daniel S. Choi, Educational Leadership: $99,146 award from Growth Sector in support of the Cal State Fullerton Teacher Pathway Partnership STEM Summer Institute 2012.
James M. Feagin, Physics: $96,000 in first-year U.S. Department of Energy funding for “Reaction Imaging and the Continuum Coulomb Spectrum.”
Danielle C. Zacherl, Biological Science: $89,100 State Coastal Conservancy award for “Restoration of Native Oysters, Ostrea Lurida, in Alamitos Bay.” Related link: Native Come Back
Caption: Jennifer Burnaford
Laura Gil-Trejo, Social Science Research Center: $62,255 Department of Workforce Development funding for the “San Bernardino Department of Workforce Development 2012 Return on Investment Study”; $50,620 award from the Devos Institute of Arts Management at the Kennedy Center for “The Strategic Capacity Index: Post-Pilot Study”; and $33,758 from the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, for “Follow-Up of 2007 Fire Evacuees.”
Michelle Berelowitz, Center for Community Collaboration: $49,987 Orange Children’s Foundation funding for “Production of the 18th Annual Report on the Conditions of Children in Orange County, 2012.” Related article: 2011 Conditions of Children Report
Jennifer Burnaford, Biological Science: $49,460 award from University of California, Santa Cruz for “Monitoring the Dynamics of Rocky Shore Populations In Urban Southern California.” This is the third year of a three-year award; total funding to date is $166,544.
Kwang-Ping “Patricia” Cheng, Physics: $43,195 NASA Award for “Studying the Dynamics of Stellar Atmospheres Through Ultraviolet Spectroscopy.”
Bruce Xiao, Economics: $42,500 Jiangxi University of Finance contract for “Visiting Scholars Program - JUFE 2012.” Total project funding to date: $127,500. Xiao also received a $10,000 grant from America UIC Company for “Chinese Delegation Program.”
Patrick Kimani, Mathematics: $28,924 contact from Centralia School District for “CLIME Math Partnership Year 3.” The Collaboration for Leadership and Improvement in Math Education program offers summer professional development institutes for math teachers from area school districts. This year’s program will be held July 9-19 and July 30-Aug. 9.
Sharon Seidman, Child and Adolescent Studies: $15,176 from Yosemite Community College District for “CSUF Child Development Training Consortium Competencies Integration Project.”
Caption: A. Scott Hewitt
Brady P. Rhodes, Geological Sciences: $10,000 award from the University of Southern California for “Do the Wetlands of California Preserve a Record of Paleotsunami?” Related article: Geologists Study OC, Region for Past Evidence
A. Scott Hewitt, Chemistry and Biochemistry: $7,000 Trustees of the California State University award for “Give Students a Compass, Phase II - Networking Partnership.”
Christina A. Goode, Chemistry and Biochemistry: $2,000 continuation grant from University Enterprises Inc. CSUS/NSF for “CSUF LSAMP Student Scholar Program.”