Greenberg Elected to Statewide Post
School of Nursing Director Serves 2-Year Term
Cindy Smith Greenberg, director of the School of Nursing, has been elected president of the California Association of Colleges of Nursing.
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Her two-year term began April 20.
The mission of the California Association of Colleges of Nursing, Greenberg said, “is to promote the advancement of baccalaureate and graduate nursing education.”
Only colleges and universities that offer baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs are eligible to be members. There are about 47 organizational members, said Greenberg, who lives in Lake Forest.
“In light of the 2010 Institute of Medicine report on the future of nursing, it is particularly important to strengthen the impact and collective voice of schools of higher nursing education in California,” she said.
“A significant association has been demonstrated between the educational level of registered nurses and patient outcomes in the acute care setting,” Greenberg added. “The more baccalaureate-prepared nurses caring for the patient, the better the patient outcomes. Patient care needs are becoming increasingly complex, requiring high-level analysis and synthesis skills, as well as ability to use best evidence in providing care.”
May 9, 2012