Grants and Contracts Roundup
Funding Supports Research and Programs on Campus
Cal State Fullerton faculty and staff members have recently received grants to fund projects and programs ranging from obesity, waterborne and marine research to programs to enhance nursing and undergraduate education. Among the grants garnered from July through September are:
Caption: Sora Park Tanjasiri is continuing her research into cancer and Pacific Islander Women under two National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute awards.
Sora Park Tanjasiri, Health Science: $1.7 million National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute awards for “WINCART: Weaving an Islander Network for Cancer Awareness, Research and Training.” Tanjasiri also received another $498,557 National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute grant for “A Pap Test Intervention to Enhance Decision Making Among Pacific Islander Women.”
Daniel Choi, Educational Leadership: $499,992 from State of California Employment Development Dept. for CalGRIP.
Jeannie Kim-Han, University Research Initiatives and Partnerships, and Dawn Macy, Center for Internships and Community Engagement: $432,879 from the Buena Park School District for “Buena Park After-School Education and Safety (ASES) Program Year 5.”
Melanie A. Sacco, Biological Science: $338,733 from National Science Foundation for “RUI: Interaction of Polerovirus PO Protein and Host Defense Mechanisms.”
Christine Latham, Nursing: $337,079 award from the Department of Health and Human Services - Health Resources and Services Administration for “Nursing Workforce Diversity/Workforce Improvement Project.” Total award to date: $948,027. In addition, Latham received a $263,850 U.S. Department of Education award for “Clinical Teaching and Research Scholars Program - GAANN”; $26,917 DHHS-Health Resources and Services Administration grant for “Advanced Eduction Nursing Traineeships”; and $8,077 from DHHS — Health Resources and Services Administration grant for “nurse anesthetist traineeships.” Related story: University Creates School of Nursing for Expanding Program
David Cherin, Social Work: $329,420 in additional funds from the Regents of the University of California for “California Social Work Education Center.” Total award to date: $1,283,773. Cherin also received a $316,314 contract from the Regents of the University of California for the CalSWEC Mental Health Program.
Amybeth Cohen, Biological Science: $311,012 National Institutes of Health grant in support of the Minority Access to Research Careers Program. The program has received a total of $1,079,080 in NIH funding since 1996.
Kristin Stang, Special Education: $299,576 in second-year U.S. Department of Education funding for “PROCESS Project: Preparation and Retention of Collaborative, Effective and Successful Specialists.” Related link: Preparing Teaching Specialists
Caption: Archana McEligot is studying childhood obesity under a recently awarded grant.
Archana McEligot, Health Science: $280,343 grant from the National Institute of Food and Agriculture/United States Department of Agriculture for “A Childhood Obesity and Nutrition Curriculum for a Diverse and Changing Population.” Related story: Professors Study Native Hawaiian Diet for Designing Obesity-Preventing Eating Plan
Scott Annin and Charles Funkhouser, Mathematics: $247,479 National Science Foundation grant for “Native American-Based Mathematics Materials for Integration into Undergraduate Courses.”
Angel Hernandez, Student Affairs: $230,000 U.S. Department of Education Award in support of the campus Talent Search Program.
Janice Myck-Wayne, Special Education: $195,438 in third-year funding from the U.S. Department of Education for “Inclusion: Developmentally Responsive to Educational Experiences That are Accessible and Meaningful.” Total award to date: $551,083.
William J. Hoese, Biological Science: $167,936 from National Science Foundation for “URM: Research Experiences in a Changing World: Preparing Underrepresented Students for Graduate Programs Through Research in Environmental Biology.” Total award to date is $1,014,284.
Daniel Judelson, Kinesiology: $125,959 Hershey Co. grant for “Effects of Adding Cocoa-Based Antioxidants to a ‘Light’ Carbohydrate-Protein Beverage on Recovery From and Subsequent Performance of Concurrent Exercise.”
Ed Mohr, Disabled Student Services: $107,536 award from the California Department of Rehabilitation for “Workability IV 2010-2013,” a program to assist students and alumni with disabilities find internships and part- and full-time employment.
Jeff Kuo, Civil and Environmental Engineering: $100,000 from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for “Training Sessions – Landfills and Landfill Gas in China.”
Rebecca Otten, Nursing: $96,000 grant from the Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development for "supporting a better educated and diverse nursing workforce."
Melinda R. Pierson, Special Education: $95,364 Brea Olinda Unified School District contract for “CSU Fullerton Special Education Intern Program.”
Barbara Gonzalez, Chemistry and Biochemistry: $75,595 National Science Foundation grant for “Collaborative Research: An Integrated Cognitive and Conceptual Curriculum for a General Chemistry Inquiry Laboratory.”
B.J. Snell, Nursing: $72,360 California Department of Public Health award for “Advanced Nursing Practice Midwifery.” Total anticipated award for the three-year project, which began in 2010: $265,320.
Jayson Smith, Biological Science: $60,264 in second-year funding from University of California Regents for “Marine Monitoring Network: Rocky Shore Populations in Urban Southern California.”
Caption: MIchele Berelowitz presents her findings from an earlier annual report on the conditions of children in Orange County. Her efforts have been funded for 2011.
Michelle Berelowitz, Center for Community Collaboration: $52,476.35 from the Orangewood Children’s Foundation for “The 17th Annual Report on the Conditions of Children in Orange County 2011.”
Peter de Lijser, Chemistry and Biochemistry: $39,500 National Science Foundation funding for “RUI: Kinetic and Mechanistic Studies of Reactive Intermediates in Solution and Confined Environments.” Total award to date is $258,500.
Dorothy Woolum, Physics: $38,629 in third-year funding from Cal Tech/NASA for “Genesis Mission Flight Sample Analysis.” Total award to date is $110,551.
Debra Rose and Michele Mouttapa, Kinesiology: $22,088 California Department of Public Health grant for “Analysis of Evidence-Based Fall Prevention Programs for Older Adults.”
Darren Sandquist, Biological Science: $21,000 from the U.S. Geological Survey in third-year funding for “Responses to Environmental Change in Mojave Desert Ecosystems.” Total funding to date: $65,024.
Theodore Hromadka, Mathematics, and Prasada Rao, Civil and Environmental Engineering: $20,395 from Graves & King, Attorneys at Law, on behalf of the County of San Bernardino, for “Assessing Recent High Volume Rainfall Events in San Bernardino County.”
William Gearhart, Mathematics: $20,000 Raytheon contract for “Development of New Algorithm for Satellite Correction Error Bounds.”
Sharon Seidman, Child and Adolescent Studies: $14,042 Yosemite Community College District grant for “CSUF Child Development Training Consortium Competencies.”
Binod Tiwari, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Kiran George, Computer Engineering, Jidong Huang, Electrical Engineering, and Sang June Oh, Mechanical Engineering: $10,000 from Stevens Institute of Technology for “Everyday Examples in Engineering (E3s).”
Mary Becerra, Student Health and Counseling: $9,600 in third-year funding from Pacific Institute for Research & Evaluation (PIRE) for “Safer California Universities.” Total award to date is $28,800.
Caption: Prasada Rao is working on two projects with external funding.
Christina Goode, Chemistry and Biochemistry: $53,000 CSU Sacramento subcontracts for “CSU-LSAMP.”
Victoria Costa, Secondary Education: $4,930 from the Cal Poly Corporation for "Science Teacher and Researcher (STAR): Strengthening K-12 Science Teaching in California."
Maria Grant, Secondary Education: $4,659 Discovery Science Center of Orange County/National Science Foundation grant for “GeoEd Project Evaluation.”
Prasada Rao, Civil and Environmental Engineering: $3,850 National Science Foundation grant for “Graduate Research Fellowship Program.”
Shari G. McMahan, College of Health and Human Development: $3,000 from San Diego State University Research Foundation for the “California-Nevada Public Health Training Center.” Total award: $42,837.
John Bock, Anthropology: $2,066 from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University for “Climate and Ecological Drivers of Waterborne Disease Outbreaks Amongst Resident Communities in a Water Scarce Region of Botswana.”
,Oct. 4, 2011 | Updated Oct. 7, 2011