Student-Organized Communications
Week Celebrates a Quarter Century
April 21, 2003 :: No. 205
For 25 years, the student organizers of Communications Week
have been successful in bringing a wide range of speakers
to campus, including former Orange County CEO Jan Mittermeier
(2000) and former White House press secretary Larry Speaks
(1987). The annual event “provides a living classroom
experience for students,” said Rick Pullen, dean of
the College of Communications.
From foreign correspondents discussing
the war in Iraq to an award-winning photojournalist recapping his
experiences following the tragedies of Sept. 11, journalists and
other communications professionals are featured presenters during
the 25th anniversary lineup for Communications Week, which begins
today at Cal State Fullerton.
The student-led activities are planned
by a 23-member task force overseen by faculty advisers Dennis Gaschen
and CSUF alumna Pamela Caldwell, both communications lecturers.
“In a time when things around us
are so unstable, working on a project that has the stability of
25 years behind it brings a sense of calm,” noted Caldwell.
“This year we have invited more than 150 past Comm Week task
force members to join us at the corporate dinner on April 25.”
Photojournalist Tom Franklin, a Pulitzer
Prize nominee for his photography of the Sept. 11 flag-raising by
New York firefighters, will deliver a photo presentation at 7 p.m.
Wednesday, April 23, in the Titan Student Union’s Titan Theater.
His presentation is co-sponsored by the National Press Photographers
A discussion of “Government Public
Relations and Irvine’s Great Park” will be led by Heather
Morris, public information officer for the city of Irvine, at 10
a.m. Tuesday, April 22, in the Ontiveros Room of the Titan Student
Union. A “Forensics Showcase” illuminates the university’s
award-winning debate team at 4 p.m. April 22 in the Titan Theater.

In 1992, one of Communications Week's
guest speakers was local newsman Jess Marlow, who shared his
experiences covering Los Angeles
news and events for KNBC. After his presentation, Marlow, who
now is one of the anchors of KCET's “Life and Times,”
was interviewed by Daily Titan reporter John Sinclair.
Staff members representing five shows
featured in ABC-TV’s daytime lineup are scheduled for a panel
discussion at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 23, in the Ontiveros Room.
Their programs are “The View,” “Port Charles,”
“All My Children,” “One Life to Live” and
“General Hospital.”
Other events include a presentation April
23 by civil rights attorney Morris Dees, a town hall meeting April
24 featuring panelists discussing the conservative perspective,
a poetry slam April 22 with prizes for participants, and a career-focus
day aimed at providing insights into getting a first job, dressing
for success and being your own boss.
“Over the past 25 years Communications
Week has had eight different advisers, but the one who stands out
is the founder, Norman Nager, emeritus professor of communications,”
noted Rick Pullen, dean of the College of Communications.
“Nager had the vision for a Communications
Week of great magnitude that would be a showcase event for the Department
of Communications. I doubt anyone can imagine the many hours of
planning that go into an event that lasts one entire week and that
brings nearly 100 speakers to campus,” he added. “Students
who work on the Comm Week Task Force gain excellent skills that
can be taken to their first job. This experience gives them an advantage
in the marketplace.”
Among the topics featured in presentations
scheduled throughout the week are: “The Key to Good Customer
Service,” “Cross Cultural Conflict Management,”
“Leading an Organization With Effective Management and Passion,
“Getting to the Meat of Public Relations” and “Deregulation
of Radio & Television: How It Affects You.”
The College of Communications will host
a dinner Friday, April 25, at the Hyatt Regency in Irvine celebrating
25 years of corporate partnership. The keynote address will be delivered
by CSUF alumnus Bill Ross, senior vice president, industry relations,
for Walt Disney Parks & Resorts.
“Communications Week provides a
living classroom experience for students,” noted Pullen. “They
move from the textbook to the ‘real world’ and receive
hands-on experience in planning and facilitating this major event.”
Heading the student task force as executive director is senior communications
major Michelle LaForest-Barwick of Yorba Linda.
This year’s event is sponsored
by the university’s College of Communications, and the departments
of Communications, Speech Communication and Radio-TV-Film.
Additional information about Communications
Week is available from website at http://communications.fullerton.edu/commweek/.
Media Contacts: |
Pamela Caldwell at 657-278-7128 or pcaldwell@fullerton.edu
Susan Katsaros, Public Affairs, at 657-278-4854 or skatsaros@fullerton.edu
Stephanie Eshbach, promotions, publicity and public relations
chairperson of the 25th Anniversary Comm Week task force, at
(949) 842-5842 |
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