Students Learn the Business
of Community Service
August 21. 2003 :: No. 24
This fall, students in an advanced business
communications course will learn firsthand about the importance
of community service and how it relates to the world of business.
Kathy A. Brzovic, a lecturer in business writing at
Cal State Fullerton, is requiring her students devote time to learning
about and participating in community action.
“Businesses are part of the community in which
they sell their goods and services,” said the faculty member.
“Like all of us, business executives know the importance of
making the community a better place to live and work.”
Students in Brzovic’s class will spend up to
20 hours during the semester gaining a sense of the needs of a group
or organization, identifying a specific problem and developing a
Last spring, Brzovic tried out the effort as a pilot
program, which proved so successful that many donated additional
time beyond that required for the class.
“I told the students that they were my guinea
pigs. They were really good about it,” she recalls. Four students
worked with the Easter Seals Senior Center in Brea, arranging for
a performance by students from the College of the Arts.
“I especially liked the Easter Seals Project
because it created synergies between students in the class and between
the College of Business and the College of Arts,” says Brzovic.
“It was a win-win situation.”
Students also worked as tutors with at-risk children
in the Think Together after-school program in Santa Ana, assisted
the Family Support Center in Garden Grove, or volunteered at Working
Wardrobes in Garden Grove.
“Comments at the end of the semester reflected
the awareness of community and charity efforts,” Brzovic says.
“It gave students a tremendous sense of self-confidence and
Cal State Fullerton encourages students to take part
in a variety of service-learning opportunities throughout their
college experience. This class assignment is just one example of
how faculty members are incorporating volunteerism into the curriculum.
Students also participate through the Volunteer and Service Center
and student organization activities.
Media Contacts: |
Kathy Brzovic, lecturer in business writing,
at 657-278-3612 or kbrzovic@fullerton.edu
Pamela McLaren of Public Affairs at 657-278-4852 or pmclaren@fullerton.edu |
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