Beginning This Fall
New Online Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering
Feb. 17, 2012
To educate and prepare future leaders in environmentally related fields, Cal State Fullerton’s College of Engineering and Computer Science is offering an online master’s program in environmental engineering geared for working professionals. Applications are now being accepted for fall.
Caption: Engineering professor Jeff Kuo with students Vladimir Carino and Lindia Liu in an engineering lab. Photo: Patrick O’Donnell Download Photo
“This program is ideal for practicing engineers who want to become more skilled and knowledgeable in addressing today's environmental issues,” said Raman M. Unnikrishnan, ECS dean. “Students locally, across the country — and the world — will be able to participate in this new program, which fills a niche for training engineering professionals in the field of environmental engineering.”
Sixty students will be admitted each fall to the two-year program, which includes one eight-week summer session. Only a small number degree programs focus entirely on environmental engineering, according to Unnikrishnan, and even fewer are offered online, Unnikrishnan said. Cal State Fullerton is the only California State University campus to offer this program entirely online, he said.
Environmental engineers use principles of science and engineering to solve a variety of environmental problems, Unnikrishnan noted. The new degree program will give engineers technical and practical knowledge on contemporary environmental topics.
The program’s first year focuses on establishing a foundation in environmental engineering with the second year concentrating on specialized environmental topics.
Topics and issues addressed include: potable water treatment, waste water treatment and disposal, water reclamation and reuse, storm water runoff management and treatment, solid and hazardous waste management, remediation of contaminated groundwater and soil, landfill design, air pollution and sustainable development.
“This program will give working engineers one more layer of training in order to deal with these types of environmental problems in efforts to work toward achieving a greener and sustainable environment,” Unnikrishnan said.
Moreover, the online format creates a setting where much learning occurs through completion of individual and team projects, as well as analysis of case studies, explained Prasada Rao, chair and associate professor of civil and environmental engineering.
With distance education becoming more appealing to working professionals, this program offers students the same quality education as a traditional classroom instruction, Rao said, adding that full-time faculty members will be teaching the program.
“At the end of this degree program, students will be prepared to take the professional engineering exam in environmental engineering. Graduates will be trained and ready to work for environmental consulting companies and industries, local governments, as well as state or federal regulatory agencies,” Rao said.
For program information and to apply, visit College of Engineering and Computer Science website.