Caption: Practicing safe work habits can earn students, faculty and staff “Tuffy Bucks” redeemable for prizes such as free drink and meal coupons.
Safety Pays
Program Rewards Learning and Using Safe Work Habits
Environmental Health and Safety has instituted “Tuffy Bucks,” an incentive program to encourage students, staff and faculty members to learn and use safe work habits.
“This program is focused on helping motivate students and professors to work more safely in our labs through compliance with safety standards and maintaining work habits that lessen the potential of hazards,” said Patrick McQuinn, hazardous materialist specialist, who developed the program. “Right now, our focus is in the laboratories but we hope to expand the program into other parts of campus.”
The program rewards students for wearing appropriate personal protective equipment, knowing emergency and incident procedures, watching for potential safety hazards and following campus safety policies.
The rewards are Tuffy Bucks, script that features the CSUF mascot that can be collected and traded in for prizes. For example, said McQuinn, one Tuffy Buck can be traded in for a coupon worth a free drink at the Nutwood Cafe or at Carl’s Jr.; four Tuffy Bucks can become a coupon for a free meal at the Gastronome. At the end of the semester, the safest research and teaching lab will win a pizza party, McQuinn added.
For more information about the program, go to Environmental Health and Safety website.
Aug. 16, 2012