Advancement Foundation to Change Name To Reflect Its Relationship to University
From Dateline (December 2, 2004)
In January, the University Advancement Foundation
will become known as the Cal State Fullerton Philanthropic Foundation.
The name is in keeping with a desire to provide a clearer link with
the university, said Mary Jacobson, senior director for university
“The name University Advancement Foundation
really didn’t convey the foundation’s relationship to
Cal State Fullerton,” she explained. “It sometimes created
confusion with donors, foundations and corporations, who wanted
to be certain that their funds were supporting the university.
“We want people on campus and off to understand
that we raise money for the benefit of the entire university. We
hope this name and logo change will strengthen awareness of the
foundation’s primary mission, which is to support the people
and programs of Cal State Fullerton.
” The foundation enables the university to:
engage highlevel volunteers in activities that directly support
the university; enhance the management and investment of endowments
and planned gifts; promote CSUF through the ambassadorship of the
foundation’s board of governors; and focus donor relations
and stewardship to build quality relationships that lead to major
Originally chartered as a nonprofit corporation in
California in 1993 to further the educational purposes and objectives
of Cal State Fullerton, the foundation – through its board
– has managed all university gift funds; created, managed
and built endowments; overseen planned giving instruments, such
as trusts and annuities; and been responsible for gift transactions
involving real property.
Board members include alumni Wylie Aitken, attorney;
Dan Black (B.A. physics ’67), chair of ProThera Inc.; Steve
Charton (B.A. business administration ’71), president and
CEO, Charton Group; Ronald V. Davis (B.A. business administration
’69), CEO, Davis Capital LLC; Len Dreyer (B.A. business administration
’72), retired CEO and chair, Marie Callender Pie Shops Inc.;
Annette Feliciani (B.A. business administration ’80), president,
AEF Systems Consulting Inc.; Julie Greiner (B.A. business administration
’75), executive vice president and director of stores, Bloomingdale’s;
attorney Peter Kelly (B.A. political science ’72); Wayne “Buz”
Knyal, founder and CEO, Wireless Capital Partners LLC; Margaret
McCarthy (B.A. political science ’84), director, Paradigm
Ventures; Kerri Ruppert (B.A. business administration ’82),
senior vice president and CFO, Children’s Hospital of Orange
County; Christopher Schmidt (B.A. business administration ’81),
president and COO, Moss Adams LLP; and Raul Tapia (B.A. political
science ’72), managing director, C2 Group.
Also serving are President Milton A. Gordon; Rudy
Hanley, president and CEO, Orange County Teachers Federal Credit
Union; Pamela Hillman, vice president of university advancement;
Stephen Knott, retired general partner, Knott’s Berry Farm;
William McGarvey, director of community relations, Anderson &
Lynn CPAs; Mona Mohammadi, executive vice president, Associated
Students Inc.; Marilyn Powell- Berns, retired educator; Frank Quevedo,
vice president, equal opportunity, Southern California Edison Co.;
and Jim Volz, professor of theatre and dance.
All account holders will be sent letters notifying
them of the name change, says Jacobson. Additionally, the foundation’s
Web site, letterhead and accounting firms will reflect the new name
effective Jan. 1.
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