Exploring the Latino Image
in Hollywood Cinema
From Dateline (April 8, 2004)
Film producer and lecturer Nancy De Los Santos
shares her insights into the role of Latinos in Hollywood with
students attending “The Bronze Screen” class on
campus this semester. De Los Santos became interested in the
topic after working in the film industry and wondering what
conclusions people drew about Mexican and Latino people based
on Hollywood images.
Photo by Patrick O’Donnell
Every Thursday evening, more than 180 students
crowd into Mackey Auditorium to watch movies – but not just
any films. They view select screenings to learn more about the roles
Latinos have played in Hollywood.
Leading them through the educational process is Nancy
De Los Santos, producer of the documentary, “The Bronze Screen:
100 Years, The Latino Image in Hollywood Cinema.”
“What is interesting about studying the image
of Mexicans and Latinos in film is that it demonstrates the attitudes
that prevailed in America at different times during the past century,”
says the educator.