Health Tips From a Pro

Anyone can benefit from healthy living, thus avoiding obesity. Here are a few tips, provided by Shari McMahan, chair and professor of health science and director of the Center for the Promotion of Healthy Lifestyles and Obesity Prevention:


Exercise regularly. This is by far one of the most important things to do to maintain the cardiovascular system and skeletal system. Examples: Walking and strength training, which becomes increasingly important as you get older.


Get social support. A friend is a great way to make sure you commit to your exercise regimen. If none are available, a dog makes a good exercise companion.


Start with breakfast. People who have the tendency to maintain their weight always start with a healthy breakfast.


Keep a food diary. You’d be surprised by your food intake. Keeping a diary helps you think about the food you are eating.


Do not lose more than two pounds a week. Set realistic goals. Losing too much weight at one time is not healthy or realistic. Yo-yo dieting is hard on the body and could lead to illness.


Eat without distractions. We consume more calories eating in front of the TV than if we are sitting at our dining table.


Try spicing up your cooking. Adding different spices enhances the flavor of food and helps you feel more satiated.


Read food labels. Often, people don’t look at serving sizes. How many calories are there per serving and how many servings per container?


Go low. Foods with a low glycemic index help us regulate blood sugar. That’s why eating a healthy breakfast is important so we don’t have a second meal before lunch.


Check portion size. Be aware that portion sizes have changed over the past 20 years. What was considered one serving now is several.


Take your time eating. It will help you feel fuller.