From Dateline (June 17, 2004)
Sociology Professor Named to Lead
CSUF's Academic Senate
Sociology professor John W. Bedell took to
his new position as chair of the Academic Senate with aplomb –
after all, this is his fourth time in the role.
Elected May 27, Bedell – who had been serving
as vice chair – will serve a one-year term as leader of the
university’s faculty advi-sory body.
“Budget issues are driving much of our discussions,
and we risk losing sight of academic program and quality issues,”
said the educator, who chaired the Senate in 1976-77, 1988-89 and
1989-90. “California has a post-secondary education system
providing access to any and all who are interested. This access
is clearly jeopardized and will be so in the near future.
“Recruiting a quality faculty in this high-cost
region is difficult, and we are losing junior faculty to less expensive
regions,” added Bedell, who currently chairs the Sociology
Department. “We continue to worry about our students’
writing and computational skills, and we need to work closely with
our K-12 colleagues to ease the transi-tion to university study.”
Bedell, a member of the university faculty since
1969, has served in numerous capacities in addition to Senate chair.
In his early days on campus, he served five years as department
chair; he also was in charge of the Child Development and Faculty
Development programs for two years each. From 1982-84, Bedell was
head of the statewide Academic Senate, followed by two years as
acting associate vice chancellor for the CSU.
More recently, Bedell was acting associate vice president
of academic affairs from 1990-93 and acting director of the Faculty
Development Center in 2001-02.
Active in the community, he is one of five members
of the Orange County Board of Education and vice president of the
Fullerton Civic Light Opera Board of Directors.
Previously, Bedell was vice president of the Orange
County School Boards Association and served on the board of the
Women’s Transitional Living Center and Fullerton’s former
Human Relations and Youth commissions in the early 1990s.
Joining Bedell on the 2004-05 Academic Senate Executive
Committee are: Jane Hall, professor of economics, vice-chair; Ellen
Junn, associate dean of the College of Human Development and Community
Service and associate professor of child and adolescent studies,
secretary; and Robert A. Emry, emeritus professor of human communication
studies, treasurer.
Members-at-large serving on the committee are: William
D. Meyer, professor of theatre and dance; C. Jesse Jones, professor
of kinesiology and health science; and Joanne Gass, professor of
English, comparative literature and linguistics.
As a statewide academic senator, Diana Guerin, professor
of child and adolescent studies, also serves on the executive committee.
She is one of three campus members on the CSU Academic Senate. The
others are J. Vincent Buck, professor of political science, and
Barry Pasternack, chair and professor of information systems and
decision sciences.