Titan Works Showcased at Newport International Film Festival
Six Films Will be Part of College Screenings April 26
April 22, 2008
Five radio-TV-film majors will see their names on the big screen as their films are shown as part of this year's Newport International Film Festival.
The annual festival is an opportunity for students to have their works seen and to meet working professionals, said Jule Selbo, assistant professor of radio-TV-film.
"We feel very good about this year's results," said Selbo, who noted that CSUF students have been involved with the festival for a number of years. "The competition is heating up for college submissions, so its great that we have the work of five of our students included."
Cal State Fullerton students will see their work shown from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday, April 26, in the Edwards Island Theatre at Fashion Island Mall.
The participating students and their works are: "Late" by January graduate Brett Meyer; "Echo" and "Until I Show You" by graduate student Edgar Muniz; "Feminism: The Cool F-Word" by senior Richard E. Martinez; "CSUF Reliving" by senior Aaron Schlichting; and "Hope/Lost" by senior Erin Larsen.
Alumnus and Faculty Member Participate
In addition, the works of Chuck Grieb, assistant professor of art, and alumnus John Cahoon (B.F.A. art ’07) will be featured Friday during “Animate Me Shorts,” a showcase of animated shorts. Grieb’s piece, “Exact Change Only,”follows a hapless motorist stuck at a tollbooth without change and at the mercy of increasingly impatient commuters. In Cahoon’s “Grim Fetch,” Timmy must avoid getting lost and overcome his worst fears in order to save his doggy from a spooky cemetery in the dead of night."Having grown up a total movie nut in Orange County, the Newport International Film Festival has always been one of my favorite film festivals to go to and watch a variety of eclectic and fresh films," said Muniz. "I never really thought I'd ever be in the festival with a film, much less two films."
"I look at being part of the showcase as an opportunity to get used to what it's like to screen at a festival," said Martinez. "Hopefully, not too far down the line, I'll be able to have the experience of showing a feature at a festival like Newport."
The Newport International Film Festival was created in 1999. This year the festival runs from April 24 through May 1 and will feature more than 350 films from around the world.