From Dateline (February 5, 2003)
Patriot Act Town Hall Set
The USA Patriot Act, a policy that increases
government’s authority to collect information on Americans
and foreign visitors, will be discussed at a 7:30 p.m. Thursday,
Feb. 12, town hall in Portola Pavilion of the Titan Student Union.
“Maintaining the Balance – A Closer Look
at the USA Patriot Act: Protecting National Security With Civil
Liberties” is the inaugural topic of the Issues That Divide
series. Cal State Fullerton’s Center for Community Dialogue,
Center for Public Policy and College of Communications join the
Orange County Human Relations Com-mission in sponsoring the town
“Recent polls indicate that Americans appear
to be deeply divided about a wide range of both domestic and foreign
policy issues,” said Robert A. Emry, emeritus professor of
speech communication and co-director of the Center for Community
Dialogue. “Some of the division is captured in citizens’
reactions to the Patriot Act.”
Michelle Gile of KCBS and KCAL television will serve
as panel moderator. Sabi H. Shabtai, an international expert on
terrorism, will deliver the keynote address, “Civil Rights
and National Security: Walking a Fine Line.”
Panelists are Gordon Bakken, professor of history;
Luis Flores of the FBI; Terry Francke of California First Amendment
Coalition; and Stephen Rohde, constitutional rights attorney.
For additional information, call 278-4854, or go
to www.fullerton.edu/townhall.