May 13, 2004 :: No. 246
Cal State Fullerton Celebrates Commencement
May 29-30
More than 8,000 students, including January
graduates, are eligible to take part in Cal State Fullerton’s
45th annual commencement May 29-30.
Two university alumni will be delivering the keynote
addresses during the weekend celebration. Santa Ana Mayor Miguel
Pulido, a 1980 graduate with a bachelor’s degree
in engineering, will address candidates for graduation and their
families during the Saturday, May 29, commencement ceremony.
Award-winning mystery novelist Elizabeth
George will return to her alma mater for the second
day of ceremonies to receive an honorary doctorate. George, who
graduated with a master’s degree in counseling in 1979, will
be recognized for her philanthropic work, as well as success as
an educator and novelist. She will deliver the keynote address during
the Sunday, May 30, ceremony.
Universitywide ceremonies begin at 8 a.m. both days
on the sports fields north of Titan Gym. College and department
celebrations will follow at various locations throughout campus.
(Times and locations noted below.)
The ceremonies will be broadcast live on the Internet
and can be viewed by visiting the university Website (www.fullerton.edu).
The ceremony also will be aired live on Channel 67 in Fullerton,
Placentia, Santa Ana and Seal Beach; Channel 36 in Yorba Linda;
and Channel 37B in Garden Grove.
Tickets are not needed for the all-university ceremonies
at 8 a.m., but are required for admission to all college and department
On-campus parking will be restricted to those who
carpool (three persons per car), due to the limited number of spaces.
Parking will be available for those with disabled-person license
plates or placards. Campus parking information is available on 1620-AM
within a 2.5-mile radius of the campus.
Leading the campus faculty marshals will be Richard
Wiseman, professor of human communication studies and the
university’s Outstanding
Professor of 2003-04. Faculty marshals by college are:
College of the Arts – Sallie Mitchell, professor of theatre
and dance; College of Business and Economics – Neil A. Granitz,
associate professor of marketing; College of Communications –
Carolyn E. Johnson, associate professor of communications; College
of Engineering and Computer Science – Jesus O. Tuazon, professor
of electrical engineering; College of Human Development and Community
Service – Cynthia S. Greenberg, assistant
professor of nursing, Belinda D. Karge, chair and professor of special
education, and William C. Beam, associate professor of kinesiology
and health science; College of Humanities and Social Sciences –
J. Michael Russell, professor of human services, and Michael H.
Birnbaum, professor of psychology; and College of Natural Sciences
and Mathematics – Joyce K. Ono, professor of biological science.
An honors convocation to recognize student achievements
will be held at 7 p.m. Friday, May 28, in the Titan Student Union’s
Portola Pavilion.
The honorees, their majors and the awards to be presented
Martina Albers of Corona, bachelor of arts in public
President’s Associates Scholastic Award
Kim Ann Guth of Fullerton, master of science in
President’s Associates Graduate Student Award
M. Alex Lopez of Santa Ana, bachelor of arts in
business administration
Sula Safar of San Dimas, bachelor of science in biological science
President’s Associates Service Award
Adam Byrnes of Fullerton, bachelor of science in
American studies and political science
Cynthia N. Tran of Cerritos, bachelor of science
in child and adolescent development
Alumni Association Outstanding Senior Award
Trangdai Tranguyen of Stanton, master of arts in
Alumni Association Outstanding Graduate Award
Algele Cid Sumulong of Yorba Linda, bachelor of
science in biological science
Kenneth L. Goodhue-McWilliams Award
Heidi Meyer of Fullerton, postbaccalaureate
studies in biological science
Lynell Newmarch of Monrovia, postbaccalaureate studies
Miles D. McCarthy Health Professions Award
Susan Frisch of Redondo Beach, master of science
in biology
Giles T. Brown Outstanding Thesis Award
Colleen Howard Hefley of Fullerton, bachelor of
arts in business administration
Continuing Learning Experience Award
Melissa Tellez of Upland, bachelor of arts in business
International Understanding Award
achievement also will be recognized during a variety of special
recognition ceremonies scheduled this month, including:
Thursday, May 13 — Student Academic Services
Celebration Banquet, 6 p.m. Titan Student Union’s Portola
Pavilion. Keynote speaker: Los Angeles City Councilman Bernard Parks.
Sunday, May 16 — Fifth annual
Pilipino American Graduation, 6-9 p.m. Titan Student Union’s
Portola Pavilion. Keynote speaker: Jocelyn Pacleb, lecturer in Asian
American studies at Cal State Fullerton.
Friday, May 21 — 2004 graduation
Celebration and Awards Ceremony for International Students, 2:30
– 4:30 p.m. Titan Student Union’s Portola Pavilion.
Saturday, May 22 — Second annual
Asian Pacific Islander Graduate Recognition Ceremony, 10:30 a.m.-1:30
p.m. Lawn west of Engineering Building. Keynote speaker: Bob H.
Suzuki, president emeritus, Cal Poly Pomona.
Saturday, May 22 — 16th annual
Chicano/Latino Graduation Celebration, 5:30 p.m. Titan Student Union’s
Portola Pavilion. Keynote speaker: Assemblyman Lou Correa (D-Santa
Ana), a Cal State Fullerton alumnus.
Sunday, May 23 — 16th annual
Pan African Student Recognition Ceremony, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Lawn west
of Engineering Building. Keynote speaker: Lori S. White, associate
vice president, student affairs and dean of students at San Diego
State University.
and Department Celebrations
May 29-30 Cal State Fullerton
(College celebrations follow the 8 a.m. all-university ceremonies)
College of the Arts – Patio area west of
Titan Gym
College of Business and Economics – Lawn
north of Titan Gym
College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics –
Lawn west of Engineering Building
College of Humanities & Social Sciences
• History – Titan Student Union’s
Portola Pavilion
• Anthropology – Titan Student Union’s Portola
Pavilion (begins at 11 a.m.)
• Women’s Studies – Ruby Gerontology Center’s
Mackey Auditorium
• Sociology and Gerontology – West entrance of Humanities-Social
Sciences Building
• Liberal Studies, TESOL, Latin American Studies and Modern
Languages – Titan Stadium
• American Studies, Comparative Religion – Performing
Arts Center’s Little Theatre
• Psychology – Titan Gym
ROTC Commissioning Ceremony
– 2 p.m. Titan Student Union’s Portola Pavilion. Guest
Brig. Gen. John S. Gong, deputy commander, support headquarters, 40th
Infantry Division, California Army National Guard SUNDAY,
MAY 30: College Of
Engineering And Computer Science – Lawn west
of Engineering Building College
of Communications – Titan Stadium College
of Human Development and Community Service
• Child and Adolescent Studies, Kinesiology
and Health Science, and Human Services – Lawn north of Titan
• Counseling – Titan Student Union’s Portola Pavilion
• Nursing – Titan Student Union’s Portola Pavilion
(begins at 11 a.m.)
• School of Education – Titan Gym
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
• Geography and Environmental
Studies – Performing Arts Center’s Little Theatre
• Philosophy, Afro-Ethnic Studies, Asian American Studies,
and Chicana and Chicano Studies – Performing Arts Center’s
Little Theatre (begins at about 11 a.m.)
• English, Comparative Literature and Linguistics –
West entrance of Humanities-Social Sciences Building
• Political Science and Criminal Justice and Public Administration
– Patio west of Titan Gym
Media Contacts: |
Mary Jo Medyn, Academic Affairs,
at 657-278-2615 or mmedyn@fullerton.edu
Pamela McLaren, Public Affairs, at 657-278-4852
or pmclaren@fullerton.edu |