End of the World in 2012?
Anthropologist to Discuss Mayan Calendar, ‘Catastrophic’ Predictions
Feb. 22, 2011 :: No. 85
The Mayan calendar, which some believe predicts the end of the world at the end of 2012, will be discussed Tuesday, March 1, at Cal State Fullerton by anthropologist and author Bruce Love. The free lecture is open to the public.
Tuesday, March 1
7 p.m.
Cal State Fullerton, Humanities-Social Sciences Building Room 123
800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton, 92831
“This lecture will explain that the Mayan had detailed and exact calendar systems,” said Tricia Gabany-Guerrero, CSUF assistant professor of anthropology. “Dr. Love will illustrate the dates of specific events that appear on classic Mayan stone monuments and 17th-century painted books, such as the Chilam Balam. The lecture will include audience participation in learning how to read the dates found among the ancient hieroglyphs. By the end of the evening, we will be closer to separating truth from fiction about Dec. 21, 2012.”
Caption: Mayan writing
The university’s departments of Anthropology, Chicana and Chicano Studies, and Latin American Studies, as well as the student organization C@SA
$8 — more information available online: http://parking.fullerton.edu
Media Contacts:
Tricia Gabany-Guerrero, Anthropology, 657-278-3393 or tgabany-guerrero@fullerton.edu
Mimi Ko Cruz, Public Affairs, 657-278-7586 or mkocruz@fullerton.edu