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Business Students Providing Tax Preparation Assistance

Program Benefits Low-Income Individuals and Families

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Cal State Fullerton students are offering income tax return preparation and filing assistance. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance is an IRS-sponsored community program that helps low-income families and individuals prepare federal and state returns.


4-8 p.m. Wednesdays through April 8
1-5 p.m. Saturdays through March 28


Room 320A of Langsdorf Hall
Cal State Fullerton, 800 N. State College Blvd., Fullerton, 92831


Yorba Linda resident Anthony Kress, a senior business administration major, is the student coordinator of the effort, under the guidance of Kathleen K. Wright, professor of accounting, CPA and attorney.


Clients’ annual incomes can be no greater than $40,000 for single filers, $45,000 for a family of three, or $50,000 for a family of four or more.

Applicants must bring:

valid photo I.D. and Social Security cards for taxpayer, spouse and dependents wage and earnings statements, financial statements, records of any payments to daycare and provider’s I.D. number and last year’s income tax returns bank routing and account numbers for direct deposit


Assistance is provided on a first-come, first-served basis, and clients must be in Room 320A of Langsdorf Hall at least one hour before closing time. Campus parking is $8 per vehicle during the week and free on Saturdays. Online map of parking lot and self-serve permit dispensing machine locations:


Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Center at 657-278-8681 or by e-mail:

Media Contacts:
Kathleen K. Wright, Accounting, 657-278-7029 or
Pamela McLaren, Public Affairs, 657-278-4852 or