Caption: Eight of the Titan thespians cast in Shakespeare's "Richard III": (from left), Evelyn Carol Case, Todd Canedy, John Klopping, Jessica Phillips, Sean Scofield, Goran Norquist, Ben LaMontagne and Craig Tyrl. Photo: Caitlin Volz .
Titans Take to Stage
Faculty, Students and Alums Are Part of ‘Richard III’
Ten students, faculty and alumni are taking part in the Orange County production of Shakespeare Orange County’s “The Tragedy of Richard III” that opens tonight (July 19) and continues through Aug. 4 at the Festival Amphitheatre in Garden Grove.
While veteran film, television and stage actor John Walcutt takes center stage as Richard III, he’ll be surrounded by Titans, including alumni Sean Scotfield as Catesby, John Klopping (B.F.A. theatre arts ’09) as Richmond and Jessica Phillips as the Duke of York; graduate theatre student Craig Tyrl as Lord Rivers; and undergraduate theatre and dance majors Goran Norquist as Ratcliffe, Ben LaMontagne as Lord Gray, and David Contreras as Prince Edward. Evelyn Carol Case, lecturer in theatre and dance, plays Queen Elizabeth.
In addition, the scenic designer and assistant costume designer for the production are alumni Todd Canedy and Sarah Figoten Wilson.
For more information on the production and tickets, go to Shakespeare Orange County’s website.
July 19, 2012