Caption: A sampling of faculty-authored books. Photo: Matt Gush Download Photo
Faculty Authors Feted
Campus Honors Published Works
The university’s 12th annual Author Awards celebrated the 33 faculty members whose 40 books saw publication during the past year on subjects ranging from the nature of musical taste to babies switched at birth.
The event was sponsored by the Faculty Development Center and Pollak Library, in conjunction with the offices of the President and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Richard Pollard, the university’s librarian, served as master of ceremonies during the Feb. 29 event. Three authors read from their books:
- Jeffrey A. Kottler, professor of counseling, from “Lust for Blood: Why We are Fascinated by Death, Horror and Violence”;
- Nancy L. Segal, professor of psychology, from “Somone Else’s Twin: The True Story of Babies Switched at Birth”; and
- Jason M. Shepard, assistant professor of communications, from “Privileging the Press: Confidential Sources, Journalism Ethics and the First Amendment.”
The authors and the books for which they were honored include:
Genelle I. Belmas, associate professor, and Wayne Overbeck, emeritus professor, communications | “Major Principals of Media Law, 2012 edition” (Cengage, 2011) — 23rd edition of the national media law textbook on First Amendment jurisprudence.
Melinda A. Blackman, professor of psychology | “Nutrition Psychology: Improving Dietary Adherence,” co-authored by Colleen A. Kvaska (Jones and Bartlett Publishing, 2011) — the relationship between psychology, nutrition and human behavior.
Erica Bowers, assistant professor of reading | “Building Academic Language Through Content Area Texts: Strategies to Support English Language Learners,” co-authored with Laura Keisler and Shanan Fitts (Shell Education, 2011) — rationale and resources for supporting K-12 English language learners.
Stan L. Breckenridge, lecturer in African American studies | “Music Taste or Waste: Critical Listening Skills for Students, Teachers and Parents” (Kendall-Hunt Publications, 2011) — the inner substances of music.
“Popular Music in America: Forging the American Spirit” (Kendall-Hunt Publications, 2012) —on the American music scene.
Christine Burrough, associate professor of communications | “Net Works: Case Studies of Web Art and Design” (Routledge, 2011) — developing innovative digital media.
Bryan W. Cantley, professor of visual arts | “Mechudzu - New Rhetorics for Architecture,” co-authored by Dora Epstein-Jones (SpringerWein, 2011) on experimental architectural design.
Nathan T. Carr, associate professor of modern languages and literature | “Designing and Analyzing Language Tests” (Oxford University Press, 2011) — introduction to language testing theory and practice.
Benjamin Cawthra, associate professor of history | “Blue Notes in Black and White: Photography and Jazz” (University of Chicago Press, 2011) — photography and jazz as expressions of the drive for civil rights in mid-20th century America.
Amy Coplan, assistant professor of philosophy | “Empathy: Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives” (Oxford University Press, 2011) — empathy and its connections to mind, aesthetics and morality.
Amy Cox-Petersen, professor, and Terri R. Patchen, associate professor, elementary and bilingual education | “Teaching Science to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Elementary Students,” coauthored by Leah Melber (Allyn and Bacon, 2011) — culturally relevant instructional strategies in science instruction.
Anthony R. Fellow, professor of communications | “American Media History” (Wadsworth/Cengage Publishing, 2012) — development of American media and its impact on society.
Andrea M. Guillaume, professor, and Jennifer M. Ponder, assistant professor, elementary and bilingual education. | “CalTPA Preparation Guide,” with Lynda R. Williams (Pearson, 2013) — guide for California multiple-subject and single-subject credential candidates.
Andrea M. Guillaume, professor of elementary and bilingual education | “K-12 Classroom Teaching: A Primer for New Professionals, 4th Edition” (Pearson, 2012) — inclusive and responsive classroom practices.
Juan Ryusuke Ishikawa, associate professor of modern languages and literature | “Che Guevara: vida, muerte y resurrección de un mito,” co-translated with Ayano Hattori (Takeda Random House Japan, 2011) — Japanese translation of Reginaldo Ustariz’s life of Che Guevara.
Ellen Kottler, lecturer of secondary education, and Jeffrey A. Kottler, professor of counseling | “Counseling Skills for Teachers, 2nd Edition” (Sigma Press, Korean Language Edition, 2011) — best practices, student counseling.
Jeffrey A. Kottler, professor of counseling | “Duped: Lies and Deception in Psychotherapy,” co-authored with Jon Carlson (Routledge, 2011) — the nature of deception and lies in therapeutic relationships.
“Excelling in College: Strategies for Student Success and Reducing Stress” (Wadsworth, 2012) — preventing problems through proactive strategies.
“Lust for Blood: Why We Are Fascinated by Death, Horror and Violence” (Prometheus Press, 2011) — examines attraction to vicarious thrills throughout human history.
“Theories in Counseling and Psychotherapy,” co-authored with Marilyn J. Montgomery (Sage, 2011) — prominent theoretical models in the field, emphasizing experiential learning and practical application.
“The Therapist’s Workbook: Self-Assessment, Self-Care and Self-Improvement Exercises for Mental Health Professionals, 2nd Edition” (Wiley, 2012) — a workbook.
Carrie M. Lane, associate professor of American studies | “A Company of One: Insecurity, Independence and the New World of White-Collar Unemployment” (Cornell University Press, 2011) — how white collar workers experience unemployment.
Paul M. Lester, professor of communications | “Images That Injure Pictorial Stereotypes in the Media, Third Edition,” co-edited with Susan Ross (Praeger, 2011) — media images of gender, racial and other ethnic groups.
Stacy L. Mallicoat, associate professor of criminal justice | “Women and Crime: A Text/Reader” (Sage Publications, 2012) — the effects of gender within the criminal justice system.
Darlene O’Cadiz, lecturer in theatre and dance | “Dance and Cultural Diversity” (University Readers, 2012) — dance in different cultures.
C. George Peale, professor of modern languages and literature | “Los tres portentos de Dios (The Three Wonders of God)” (Juan de la Cuesta – Hispanic Monographs, 2011) — Saul of Tarsus and Mary Magdalene.
“El Niño Diablo (The Devil Child)” (Juan de la Cuesta – Hispanic Monographs, 2011) — a nobleman who takes up a life of banditry.
“El Caballero del Sol (The Knight of the Sun)” (Juan de la Cuesta – Hispanic Monographs, 2011) — written for the Lerma festival of 1617 during the Spanish Hapsburg Dynasty.
“Más pesa el Rey que la sangre, y Blasón de los Guzmanes (The King Before Kinship and The Honor of the Guzmanes)” (Juan de la Cuesta – Hispanic Monographs, 2011) — a study of the myth of Guzmán el Bueno and the Moors.
Irena Praitis, professor of English, comparative literature and linguistics | “Still Life,” with co-translator Kerry Shawn Keys (Calder Wood Press, 2011) — English translations of contemporary Lithuanian poet Sonata Paliulyte.
Henry Puente, assistant professor of communications | “The Promotion and Distribution of U.S. Latino Films” (Peter Lang, 2011) — the marketing of U.S. Latino films over the last three decades.
David M. Sandner, associate professor of English, comparative literature and linguistics | “Critical Discourses of the Fantastic, 1712-1831” (Ashgate Publishing, 2011) — critical definitions and defenses of 18th- and early 19th-century fantasy literature.
Lynn M. Sargeant, associate professor of history | “Harmony and Discord: Music and the Transformation of Russian Cultural Life” (Oxford University Press, 2011) — an exploration of changes in Russian musical life during the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Nancy L. Segal, professor of psychology | “Someone Else’s Twin: The True Story of Babies Switched at Birth” (Prometheus Books, 2011) — chronicle of a switched-at-birth incident in Spain’s Canary Islands.
Jason M. Shepard, assistant professor of communications | “Privileging the Press: Confidential Sources, Journalism Ethics and the First Amendment” (LFB Scholarly Publishing, 2011) — examines old and new legal and ethical problems involving a journalist's confidential sources.
Cindy Smith Greenberg, director of CSUF's School of Nursing | “Pediatric Nursing Procedures, 3rd Edition,” co-authored with Vicky R. Bowden (Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2012) — a reference work on essential nursing procedures and standards for pediatric nursing.
Nancy Snow, professor of communications | “Citizen Arianna: The Huffington Post/AOL Merger: Triumph or Tragedy?” (Ann Arbor: Nimble Books, 2011) — public reactions to the Huffington Post/AOL merger.
Jason J. Teven, professor of human communication studies | “Real Communication: An Introduction, 2nd Edition,” co-authored with Dan O’Hair, Mary Wiemann and Dorothy Mullin (Bedford-St. Martin’s, 2012) — the dynamic and evolving nature of the human communication discipline.
Kenneth Tom, associate professor of human communication studies | “One Voice: Integrating Singing and Theatre Voice Techniques, Second Edition” co-authored with Joan Melton (Waveland Press, 2012) — singing and theatre voice techniques throughout the training process.
J. Chris Westgate, assistant professor of English, comparative literature and linguistics | “Urban Drama: The Metropolis in Contemporary North American Plays” (Palgrave Macmillan, 2011) explore cities as focal points for identity politics and social justice at the end of the 20th century.
March 2, 2012