Caption: Workmen on the roof of the southeast side of the Clayes Performing Arts Center move a pallet of solar panels in preparation of their installation. Photos courtesy of Physical PlantDownload Photo
On Schedule for Fall
Installation of Solar Panels Moves Forward
Workmen are busy this summer moving pallets of solar panels onto rooftops and installing the system that will eventually generate up to 7-8 percent of the electrical power used daily on campus. The solar systems are going up on the Eastside Parking Structure, Clayes Performing Arts Center and the Kinesiology and Health Science Building.
“We hope to have this running in time for the fall semester, when the weather is pretty hot and there are lots of students, faculty and staff moving around in our buildings — using lights, air conditioning, computers and other equipment,“ said Willem van der Pol, director of physical plant. “This will be the time when the solar panels will be their most efficient.”
July 1, 2011