Caption: Zair Ibragimov, right, CSUF assistant professor of mathematics, with, from left, Uzbekistan math professors Zafar Ibragimov, Sevdiyor Imomkulov and Bakhrom Abdullaev, who are visiting campus this week for a series of math research workshops.
International Teaching Moment
Uzbekistan Professors Lead May 4-6 Workshops on Math Research
Faculty members from Urgench State University and Navoi State Pedagogical Institute in Uzbekistan will be leading May 4-6 workshops hosted by the Math Department.
The workshop series is part of a newly formed collaboration with the foreign universities.
The Uzbek visitors will present their research to mathematic faculty members and master’s-level students, said Zair Ibragimov, assistant professor of mathematics and organizer of the first event in a series of workshops planned.
The visiting professors are: Zafar Ibragimov and Bakhrom Abdullaev from Urgench State University and Sevdiyor Imomkulov from Navoi State Pedagogical Institute.
Several university faculty members and advanced math students, as well as math experts from the University of Texas at Austin and Jet Propulsion Laboratory, also will be presenting during the three-day event.
“The purpose of this partnership is to develop research collaboration between the mathematicians from the two countries. It’s hugely beneficial to our faculty to have such a collaboration and also beneficial to Cal State Fullerton's mission of furthering educational exchange on a global level,” said Ibragimov, who is from Uzbekistan in Central Asia. “We’ve already started the formal process to solidify the new partnership.”
Workshop topics include the theory of functions of several complex variables, geometric function theory, analysis on metric spaces, and Gromov hyperbolic geometry. Workshops will be held from 3-6 p.m. May 4 and May 6 in Room 480 of McCarthy Hall, and 3-6 p.m. May 5 in Room 476 of McCarthy Hall.
While on campus, the Uzbek professors are meeting with administrators, deans, faculty members and students. They will be guest lecturers in Ibragimov’s advanced calculus II class at noon Friday, May 6.
“All of this is done to exchange ideas of learning and teaching,” said Ibragimov, who is in his fourth year of teaching at Cal State Fullerton.
In August, Cal State Fullerton math professors and students will participate in workshops at Urgench State University.
May 3, 2011