Caption: Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), a Cal State Fullerton alumnus, reads a tribute to the legacy of CSUF President Milton A. Gordon before the House of Representatives on November 3, 2011.
Praise and Gratitude
Public Officials Honor Gordon's Impact as President
Representative Ed Royce, U.S. Congress
Rep. Ed Royce (R-CA), a Cal State Fullerton alumnus, speaking before the House of Representatives on Nov. 3, 2011:
Mr. Speaker, I rise before you today to honor Dr. Milton A. Gordon for his distinguished career. Dr. Gordon has served for over two decades as President of California State University, Fullerton.
I first met Milt Gordon twenty years ago, when he was in his first years as President of my alma mater, Cal State Fullerton. As a State Senator then, and Member of Congress now, I have met countless community leaders, including university presidents, and have enjoyed good working relationships with them. Very few, however, have I come to admire and respect more than Milt Gordon. Very few, do I call my good friend.
Mr. Speaker, Dr. Gordon's impressive achievements and commitment to education, were evident long before he became the President of Cal State Fullerton. As our country was undergoing the Civil Rights Movement, Milt Gordon was breaking through longstanding racial barriers. He obtained a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Secondary Education at Xavier University of Louisiana (1957), a Masters of Arts in Mathematics at the University of Detroit (1960) and lastly, a Doctorate degree in Mathematics at the Illinois Institute of Technology (1968). These are significant achievements for anyone, but even more so for someone who had to overcome the discrimination of the time.
It is this experience that has driven Milt Gordon's lifetime commitment to improving access to education for everyone. In his first convocation address at Cal State Fullerton in 1990, Dr. Gordon said:
"By providing access to professional careers for the broadest cross section of Americans, including women and members of minority and immigrant groups, our university represents a pathway into the American mainstream for individuals and families who otherwise would not have the opportunity to make this step, thus helping to ensure the stability of our free economy and of our democratic government."
Impressive enrollment and graduation statistics, and the many awards and accolades that Milt Gordon has received over the last twenty years, clearly demonstrate that he more than met the challenge of his words. Today Cal State Fullerton is one of our nation's largest and most inclusive institutions of higher education. And I assure you, greater quality has been the hallmark of this growth.
It is no exaggeration to say that Dr. Gordon has transformed CSUF from being a regional school to a global one. His vision has provided an enriching environment which allows students to develop intellectual, cultural and economic curiosities well beyond the corridors of Orange County. The University in the "Gordon Years" has been an unquestioned asset to the region, state, country and world.
In closing, as an alumnus and the Congressman who represents this University, I have to say that I am sorry to see President Gordon retire. His accomplishments are many and the University will continue to thrive because of them. But there is only one Milt Gordon. But speaking as a friend, I am pleased for Milt, and for his wife Marge. They have dedicated their lives to education, to Cal State Fullerton, and to their community. To that end, they deserve our deepest gratitude and our most heart-felt wishes for a long and enjoyable retirement, after a job very well done.
—Ed Royce, 40th District
Representative Loretta Sanchez, U.S. Congress
It is with great honor that I congratulate Dr. Milton Gordon on his retirement. As President of Cal State Fullerton, Dr. Gordon has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to education, positioning the University to become a premier institution of higher learning in California and in the U.S. President Gordon's visionary leadership has been fundamental in creating opportunities for all students regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender or economic backgrounds. I commend President's Gordon's ability to build partnerships and collaborations which have helped strengthen student achievement not only within the University but throughout Orange County. Over the years I have appreciated his guidance and mentorship on various initiatives and issues that affect our students and community every day. President Gordon leaves a lasting legacy that has shaped higher education to become more inclusive and accessible for all. I would like to extend my warmest wishes to my dear friend, Dr. Gordon for a happy retirement.
—Loretta Sanchez, 47th District
Senator Mimi Walters, California State Senate
For the past 22 years, California State University, Fullerton President Milton Gordon's leadership and vision have created one of the finest higher educational institutions in California. It is my honor to congratulate President Gordon for his many years of service to the student body, faculty, and entire Cal State Fullerton community.
Cal State Fullerton has had numerous accomplishments under the leadership of President Gordon. Throughout his tenure, the University has granted almost 130,000 degrees, improved its academic and professional program offerings, and upgraded the campus with information technology systems preparing the campus for the 21st century.
President Gordon will leave behind an impressive legacy defined by his commitment to student success, and his determination to promote the growth and progress of the entire California State University Fullerton campus and community.
California State University Fullerton has become a strong pillar of the community, due in no small part to the dedication of President Milton Gordon. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to President Milton Gordon for his 22 years of service to the City of Fullerton, the greater Orange County community, and to the State of California."
—Mimi Walters, 33rd Senate District
Supervisor John M. W. Moorlach, Orange County
President Gordon:
My folks have four children that they raised in the Second District (effective October). Two of them would pursue their undergrad educations at California State University, Fullerton and the other two graduated from California State University, Long Beach. The Titans in my family would go on to obtain graduate degrees and become teachers. One resides in the city of Fullerton and serves the Anaheim Union High School District and the other resides in Anaheim Hills and serves the Lord as a Pastor in the city of Irvine.
Orange County has more than 3 million residents, but it is still a small community where residents can pursue an excellent education and enjoy a fulfilling career within our borders. CSUF has been a blessing to the Moorlach family.
For the County family, I am very grateful for your involvement with the County's archaeological and paleontological collection. Your leadership in this endeavor was a critical component of the success we are seeing with this collaboration.
I am most appreciative of your excellent stewardship of Cal State Fullerton, an institution that played a major role in the lives of two of my siblings. On behalf of the residents in the Second District, I extend heartfelt congratulations on a job well done. Have a wonderful retirement and a well deserved time to reflect on your many accomplishments.
With best wishes,
—John M. W. Moorlach, Second District
City Councilman F. Richard Jones, City of Fullerton
The City of Fullerton, its citizens, and especially the CSUF students have been blessed to have had Dr. Milton Gordon as president of the university for many years. CSUF has gained international respect and achieved so much during President Gordon's tenure. All of those who know him or who have worked with him sincerely regret his decision to retire, though it is well deserved. We wish him our best and hope he will continue to be active in our community, both as a leader and noted educator.
— F. Richard Jones, City of Fullerton