Finding Jobs

WorkAbility Program Puts Students, Alumni to Work

For more than 13 years, Cal State Fullerton's Workability Program has offered students and alumni with physical or learning disabilities career advice and assistance in landing jobs.

This year, Ed Mohr, program director, and Angela Sardan-Long, assistant director and career development coordinator, are working harder than ever to match students to positions, thanks to $107,536 in funding from the California Department of Rehabilitation — the second installment of the program’s latest three-year grant.

“We serve approximately 90 students per year,” said Mohr. In addition to career advice, services include resume reviews, job skills workshops and mock interviews.

“We provide them with job leads and assist in filling out applications,” he noted. “We’re also looking forward to hiring a full-time internship coordinator and getting participating students into the program earlier, as juniors. We want to be there to help them gain experience, either through an internship or even volunteer programs, which will help them have confidence that they can land a job.”

Each year, approximately 40 students are helped with getting positions, said Mohr, who hopes to increase awareness of the program and the opportunities that it provides to more students.

The ultimate goal, he noted “is to link highly skilled and motivated individuals with employers who understand the contributions they can provide,” Mohr said.

For more information, contact Ed Mohr at 657-278-3062 or, or Angela Sardan-Long at 657-278-4570 or

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