Caption: Frank A. Mumford of the Auxiliary Services Corp., left, congratulates Ron Campbell, Shop24 Global, LLC, vice president of higher education brand management, during the unveiling of the Shop24 store during a Nov. 1 ceremony.
New Store on Campus
Automated Store Provides Goods Around the Clock
Shop24, the university’s newest food and retail store, opened Nov. 1 to serve the campus community around-the-clock. “It’s a 24/7 convenience store in a box,” said Frank A. Mumford, associate executive director of the university’s Auxiliary Services Corp. Shop24 is a refrigerated, automated store, resembling a super-size vending machine, that offers 200 items weighing up to 8 pounds. Items include sodas and high-energy drinks, laundry detergent and other cleaning supplies, snacks, sandwiches, candy and personal products. Located between the Humanities-Social Sciences and Education-Classroom buildings, the store accepts cash, debit and credit cards and soon the Titan Card.
Nov. 5, 2010