Students to Attend
Latino Leadership Institute
November 15, 2004 :: No. 87
Five Cal State Fullerton students have been
awarded CSUF university scholarships to attend this year’s
Latina/Latino College Leadership Institute.
Attending the four-day residential retreat are: junior
Linnea Arpon of Whittier, a kinesiology major; sophomore Lidia Mercedes
Lopez of Hacienda Heights; freshman Melissa Rene Mayorga of Fontana,
a prebusiness major; and Joel Torrez Jr. of Los Angeles and Carmen
Renteria of Huntington Park, both juniors majoring in human services.
The Nov. 18-21 leadership institute is coordinated
by the National Conference for Community and Justice and will be
held at Camp Max Strauss in Glendale. The institute challenges students
to take personal responsibility by integrating human relations components
with the concept of leadership. The weekend will consist of dialogue
and exercises that will challenge students to celebrate diversity
while examining the role of culture and leadership.
“This is a wonderful opportunity to foster leadership
development and civic responsibility among college students,”
said Juanita E. Razo, assistant dean of students, helming leadership
and multicultural development programs. “We’ve had students
attending this program for more than 10 years, and they have always
commented about the powerful impact this program has had on their
lives in terms of their own perception about the Latina/Latino culture
and their increased desire to lead and make a difference in this
Media Contacts: |
Juanita Razo, assistant dean
of students, 657-278-4648 or
Isaac Cardenas, chair and professor of Chicana
and Chicano studies, at 657-278-3732 or icardenas@fullerton.edu
Pamela McLaren of Public Affairs at 657-278-4852
or pmclaren@fullerton.edu |
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