September 2
The university’s Volunteer International
Peers joined President Milton A. Gordon in welcoming international
students to campus during a special luncheon last month. The student
volunteers assist international students in adjusting to the campus
community. They participate in the International Student Orientation,
Study Abroad recruitment efforts and International Education Week
celebration, as well as join in the new weekly “International
Coffee Breaks” held on Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
at MJ’s Espresso north of University Hall. Pictured from left,
front row, are Yu-Chin Chen, Sisi Xu, Michelle Chan, Elisa Chang,
Jasmine Ng, Phoi Quyen Hang, Rugy Gharib, Wei-Yang Tsai, Jay Chang
and Pat Apisaksirikul; back row, Val Vanderwest, Esther Robles,
Sugito Lie, Sami Souissi, Gordon, Lu Zhang, Cong Ha, Rey-Philip
Genaldo and Pankaj Kumar. Not pictured are Lu-Anh Nguyen, Jani Ranasinghe,
Phanendra Hanumanula and Tuyen Vu.
Photo by Patrick O' Donnell