Senior Legislative Breakfast Briefing Scheduled at Cal State Fullerton
October 19, 2004 :: No. 64
Representatives from the Orange County Office
on Aging, California Senior Legislature and the California Commission
on Aging, will gather at Cal State Fullerton Thursday, Oct. 28,
for a Senior Legislative Breakfast Briefing.
Sponsored by the Cal State Fullerton Institute of
Gerontology and the university’s Office of Public Affairs
and Government Relations, this program will focus on the current
legislative agenda proposed by the California Senior Legislature,
as well as the California Master Plan on Aging presented by the
California Commission on Aging. In addition, the 8:30 -9:30 a.m.
briefing for elected officials and other invitees will be a venue
for showcasing activities of the Orange County Office on Aging.
The California Senior Legislature is meeting this
week in Sacramento, where representatives from each of the 32 individual
Offices on Aging, located throughout the state, are discussing bills
they’ve authored that focus on improving the lives of older
adults. These bills, supported by representatives of the Senior
Legislature, are then carried to the state Legislature, where senators
and assembly members determine which ones they will support.
Among those scheduled to make presentations at the
CSUF briefing are: Assemblywoman Lynn Daucher (R-Brea); Karen Roper,
director of the Orange County Office on Aging; Dee Erman, a member
of the Senior Legislature representing Orange County; Sandy Fitzpatrick,
executive director, and member Brenda Ross of the California Commission
on Aging; and Pauline Abbott, director of the Cal State Fullerton
Institute of Gerontology.
“We wanted to introduce a forum where local
community leaders, elected officials and their staff members, as
well as members of the university community, can hear, firsthand,
the framework and agenda being shaped by the Senior Legislature
and other key players in Sacramento,” said Abbott. “It
helps these leaders better understand upcoming issues affecting
senior citizens.”
The session will be held in the Shapiro Wing of the
university’s Ruby Gerontology Center. For additional information,
contact the Cal State Fullerton Institute of Gerontology at 657-278-4686 or gerontology@fullerton.edu.
Media Contacts: |
Pauline Abbott, CSUF Institute
of Gerontology at 657-278-4686 or gerontology@fullerton.edu
Valerie Orleans, Public Affairs at 657-278-4540 or vorleans@fullerton.edu |
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