October 7, 2004 :: No. 50
Cal State Fullerton ROTC Student
Awarded Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement
William Golembiewski of Diamond Bar, a cadet
in the ROTC program at Cal State Fullerton, has been awarded the
Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement — presented in
recognition of scholastic excellence in military and academic subjects,
as well as for leadership skills.
He was one of only three cadets selected for this
honor from the Western region (California, Washington, Oregon, Montana,
Idaho, Arizona, New Mexico, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota,
Missouri and Minnesota), which includes 23 universities. Cadet Command
— a program of college-based ROTCs that assists with scholarships
and living expenses for ROTC cadets, presented the award.
Golembiewski, a senior majoring in child and adolescent
development, recently graduated from the ROTC’s “Leadership
and Development” course with top honors. He spent the summer
in Fort Lewis, Wash., attending the course.
“We are very proud of William and his accomplishments,”
said Master Sgt. David A. Takacs, senior military instructor of
Cal State Fullerton’s ROTC program.
Enrollment in the university’s ROTC program
currently numbers 80 students, including those from UCI and Biola
University. Participants in the program are pursuing bachelor’s
degrees, and upon graduation, they will be commissioned as second
lieutenants in the U.S. Army.
Media Contacts: |
Master Sgt. David Takacs at
657-278-5746 or dtakacs@fullerton.edu
Valerie Orleans, Public Affairs at
657-278-4540 or vorleans@fullerton.edu |