May 23, 2003 :: No.242
Cal State Fullerton Student
Embraces Internationalism
Anaheim resident Cynthia Tran is this year’s
recipient of Cal State Fullerton’s International Understanding
“I take my education very seriously, and this
is one way that I make my parents proud,” said Tran, who is
earning a bachelor’s degree with a double major in French
and child and adolescent development.
A future teacher, she maintained a high GPA and has
been actively involved in the university’s Multicultural Leadership
Center, as well as such organizations as the Phi Kappa Phi Honor
Society, EMBRACE, Student California Teachers Association, Golden
Key International Honor Society, Phi Beta Kappa International Scholar
Honor Society and the Finance Association.
In the community, Tran has volunteered at soup kitchens, homeless
shelters, Olivecrest, elderly nursing centers and the Special Olympics.
“Ms. Tran has demonstrated strong leadership
skills and a passion for educating others through the Educating
Myself for Better Racial Awareness and Cultural Enrichment Program
with the Multicultural Leadership Center,” noted Andi Sims,
center coordinator. “As an EMBRACE peer facilitator, she was
committed to teaching her peers about the importance of diversity
appreciation,” added Sims. “Moreover, her maturity,
professionalism and cultural sensitivity led to her involvement
with the Study Abroad Program, where she spent a semester in France.”
“Having limited resources and facing many challenges while
growing up, I have made the most of all that was possible, all the
while accumulating a wealth of accomplishments and achievements,”
said Tran the youngest of nine children.
“Throughout her college career, Ms. Tran has
demonstrated her commitment to scholarship, further reinforced by
her participation in honors,” said Ryan Alcantara, director
of honors and scholars support services. “As an honors student,
she pursued academic challenges by completing additional enrichment
activities in many of her classes,” he added.
She has worked in local elementary schools educating
children about various cultures and sharing her experiences as a
study abroad student, as well as offering guidance for students
aspiring to study abroad while in college. She has worked more than
1,200 hours in grades K-6 as a mentor and teacher’s helper.
Additionally, she has assisted in special-education classrooms.
Tran noted that the highlight of her college career
was “my year of studying and living abroad in France and being
with CSUF President Gordon on a post- 9/11 television broadcast
to further international understanding.”
In the fall, Tran will return to her alma mater to begin the multiple-subject
teaching credential program. Her long-range plans include earning
a doctorate in reading, language and literacy and teaching at the
university level.
Tran will receive her award, which includes a cash
prize of $300, at the university’s May 30 Honors Convocation.
She also will be recognized during commencement exercises Sunday,
June 1.
Media Contact: |
Susan Katsaros, Office of Public Affairs, at
657-278-4854 or skatsaros@fullerton.edu |