Mathematics Students Shine
At National Conference
by Dave Reid
From Dateline (March13, 2003)
Cal State Fullerton students recently proved
they were math Titans at the joint meeting of the American Mathematical
Society and the Mathematics Association of America in Baltimore.
Fullerton students won three of the 12 prizes given
at an undergraduate research poster session. The 11-member student
delegation presented nine research projects and was the largest
contingent of all represented colleges, said Alfonso F. Agnew, assistant
professor of mathematics and faculty adviser. A total of 82 posters
were presented at the meeting.
“We have a large, bright group of mathematics
students at Fullerton,” said James O. Friel, chair and professor
of mathematics. “All of the students who participated in this
conference did extremely well. They were very impressive, and we
are proud of them.”
The winners and their projects were: Scot Childress,
“Biquaternionic Projective Space”; Stephanie Proctor,
“On K* Ultrahomogeneiou Graphs”; and Leslie Lippit,
“Mixed vs. Independent Predation Terms in One Predator, Two-Prey
Other participants were Laura Jiminez, Hoang Tram,
John Mayberry, Tairi Roque, John Urrea, Tram Hoang, Shazia Khan,
Lorena Ortiz and James Wrkich.
The conference's undergraduate poster competition
was started several years ago by former Cal State Fullerton professor
of mathematics Mario U. Martelli, who also was chair of the poster
competition at the Baltimore conference. Also attending was former
Titan math star Suzanne Sindi, who is pursuing a master's in mathematics
at the University of Maryland.
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