2005-06 Continuing Learning
Experience Officers Elected
April 27, 2005 :: No. 179
Charlotte Fox of Fullerton
is the newly elected president of Continuing Learning Experience
(CLE), a support group of more than 700 retired and semiretired
individuals dedicated to the pursuit of lifelong learning
at Cal State Fullerton. Also recently elected to the 2005-06
board are Fullerton residents John Greenwood,
treasurer; Beverly Oliver, vice president of membership; and
Don Jebens, vice president of facilities. Fred Myers of Anaheim
is the new vice president of programs, and Orange
resident Ethel Kamber was voted vice president of special
events. Each officer will serve a two-year term (with the
exception of Kamber’s one-year term), which begins May
6 with CLE’s installation luncheon at the Alta Vista
Country Club in Placentia.
Continuing their terms are: Charlotte Oliva,
secretary; Hal Henry, vice president of administration; Rachel
Sweet, vice president of communications; and Dave Musante,
vice president of external relations.
Newly elected trustees are: Fullerton
residents Rita Cousins and Gene Stelcik; Anaheim
resident Bob Forrester; and Placentia resident Fred Shecter.
They join Bette Henning, Stalky Lehman, Marion McClatchy,
Bob Nixon, Ruth Symonds, past president Kirt Spradlin and
lifetime trustee Leo Shapiro.
Media Contact: |
Patsy Burns, Continuing Learning Experience,
657-278-4274, or pburns@fullerton.edu |
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